

Dear Diary
Date: 21/07/2021
Dear diary:
I am not sure of what to say. Today, I got up in the morning feeling weird innately as usual. I can't blame myself for this feeling because it's who I am. A struggle for self esteem, has been a battle for me. Maybe it's a progress, for I have began getting used to feeling bad about myself. At the very least I can live with myself.The mess I am is for me to handle. Hahaha! 😁the funny thing about this is that I find comfort in it. I told you dear diary, I am weird. I hate me but I like hating because I can't stand be hated by others.😅.
I am not saying all this so you can feel sorry for me so please don't. I believe that everyone has their innate source of strength. Mine as it occurs it's the attitude towards myself. Self-hatred drives me forward. ☺️☺️. Sounds weird when I say it out loud. It's why I choose to be silent infront of others because the words I utter runs the risk of being misconstrued and misunderstood.
I have to go. Thank you for listening. Oh! and one last thing, let this be our secret.🤫🤭. See you next entry.
#diary #secret #vulnerable #thoughts #feelings.

© remmyfrank