

Spiritual Maths.
The 14th July 2021
Welcome to the Jawahar Lalla #Blogs Page.@jawaharlalla #Jawaharlalla
Instagram Ig. JBLwrites.
We all have learnt general maths, commercial maths, mental maths in our academic careers, but have we heard of spiritual maths??.
What is Spiritual Maths.
✓ 3+1=0 ???.
When we get surrendered to God by three forms ,we become perfect that is 0.Here 3 =1 (Body) + 1(Mind)+ 1 (Intellect) and 1 represents to supreme soul, remember God almighty and our score 0 shows ours perfection of soul !!.
✓ 1÷0 = infinite
That is when we sit in complete​ soul consciousness form and remember only one God Almighty, our thoughts occurs in line with transmission of infinite powers from the soul !!
Some important spiritual mathematical formulas.
å A derivative represents spirit, an integral sums up your spiritual travels into soul.Eigen values can reveal archetypes.Fractals represent the patterns of living ,so many connections exist in spiritual math.
å If we are living gracefully ,our life is adding up and we will pleasure joy.
√Speed of Efforts = percentage of perfection attained/ time
0 + 0 = 0, 1 + (-1) = 0,100 * 1 = 100
1* 100 = 100,1 /10 = 0.1, 0.1 * 1000 = 100.
x + y = 9 if x = 6, then y has to be 3
Now just some philosophical/spiritual stuff on this 0 + 0 = 0 If there is nothing, it could not have come out of something, nothing can only come out of nothing
Love + love = 2love .Love can only come from love.
2 + 2 = 4 ( Law of Positivity)
(-2) +(-2 ) = (-4)
Positivity only leads to positivity. Negativity can never add up to lead to positivity.
å 1 + (-1) = 0 Love + Hate = Null (void)
opposite forces cancel each other out
The only way to destroy darkness is to spread light
The way to solve a problem will be to either destroy it or have an antidote for it
å 100 * 1 =100 . If person has 100 qualities or different things to give, however nobody cares to share it, the total value of his offering remains constant after his death since it was never amplified/magnified
å 1* 100 = 100 When one person has something to offer (lets say spirituality/love), and if 100 people share and follow it, it gets magnified that many times.
å 1 /10 = 0.1 When we are divided, we are just a fraction. there is no wholesomeness left.
å 0.1 * 1000 = 100 When we gather together even while being minute/tiny fractions and aggregate our ideas together, our total strength becomes massive and abundant .We become one giant force.
å x + y = 9 if x = 6, then y has to be 3
If you want a desired outcome(9) , under controlled conditions of constants(factors that cannot be changed) and variables(factors that can be changed) , the factor that can be changed as to be in perfect alignment with the desired outcome.
General Equation of Brahamin Life
BHs= Celibacy+Yog+Murli+Service+Brahma Bhojan+Daily Chart
Ideal Equation of Brahamin Life
Ideal BH's= Constant (Celibacy+Yog+Murli+Service+Brahma Bhojan+Daily Chart)
å Less desires = happy Life
å Less thoughts = Powerful Mind
å Less expectations + More acceptance = Good Relationship
This was beautiful spiritual maths I am sharing which is written by spiritual intellectual mathematican in BKs.
@Jawahar Lalla #jawaharlalla#jawaharlallablogs#Instagram Ig : JBLwrites.#brahmin#bks#spiritual

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