

Bella Behind ....
My First

Bella lived in the small countryside town of Biscuit, nestled deep in the heart of a sprawling valley. It was a quaint and peaceful place, with rolling hills and fields of wildflowers stretching as far as the eye could see. Bella lived alone with her grandpa, who was kind and loving but often sick and unable to leave the house.

Bella spent most of her days tending to the farm and wandering the fields, always hoping to find a friend or someone special to share her life with. But no matter how hard she tried, she always felt like an outsider, standing behind the white sheet that hung from her washing line, watching the world go by.

It was on one sunny afternoon, as Bella was hanging her laundry, that she heard a loud noise coming from the creek dusty farm road called Lemon Tree. As she peered over the sheet, she saw a small aircraft flying low, and then suddenly crash-landed in a nearby field.

With a pounding heart, Bella ran to the site of the crash and found a handsome young man lying on the ground, his face covered in blood. His name was Henry, and he had been flying his aircraft when something went wrong, causing it to crash.

Despite the pain and confusion, Henry and Bella formed an instant connection, and each day they spent time together near the washing line, talking and laughing as they watched the sun set over the fields.

Over time, Henry grew stronger and his wounds began to heal. And as he did, his love for Bella grew stronger with each passing day. He promised to return and asked her to wait for him at the washing line, where he would meet her again and make her heart happy once more.

And so, each day, Bella waited patiently behind the white sheet, her heart overflowing with hope and anticipation. She tended to the farm and wandered the fields, always keeping an eye on the dusty farm road where Henry had landed.

And one day, just as he promised, Henry returned to Bella's side. He took her in his arms and promised to never leave her again, and as they watched the sunset over the fields, they knew that they had found something truly special.

From that day on, Bella and Henry spent their lives together, growing old and happy on their farm in the countryside. And though their love had been born out of a moment of tragedy, it had grown into something beautiful and enduring, a testament to the power of hope and the strength of the human heart.

Bella felt happy that Henry returned, each day she ran to the washing line.

This played all too often the happy ending but never ending story.

But what really happened here is the catch , they live a beautiful life , Bella her mind portrayed the scene.

Henry was no more than the figment of her imagination a reality so real , it made her run each day to the washing line.

Bella kep saying why did Henry not return , she kept a place for him , a beautiful place.

Come back Henry I will be waiting, I will be waiting at the washing line.

© Blue Whale Media for Life....