

Dead In The Spirit Realm

The atmosphere seemed peaceful, while the entity loomed round the street. As soon as the light of the sun has retired, one animal could be seen to follow the other at a small, but regular distance, while the moon took up her responsibility as it seemed necessary. Soft music could be heard from few blocks away. As the breezed caption, few souls that took up routine job at half followed by an hour. Then The door opened to it's own accord, and no soul stood behind it. As i caught a glimpse of the grave yard. I patted the bed alongside. As whispering of birds came alive from souls on journey pilgrimage. Then She came afterwards requesting for water to subdue her dying soul from perishing. But none could heard her.
Oh! How can I forget how I held thou lifeless body pearls many years ago.
Her quest for water led to her untimely death.
The body I took upon, the inner man of Romans chapter seven, had become familiar with perils of life.
Though the wisdom of the ancient goddess are with thee.
The seven spirit of the great emirate kingdom could neither save thou soul pearls.

I'm taste! I'm tastes! She said , as the game drew nearer across board. Last card, the supposed winner exclaimed with devilish twinkle in his eyes while Pearl's was loosing her mind, a reflection of a dying soul.
How would i have known that you desperate needed water to tamed thou soul from dying.
We termed it a joke while they were being stood still and watched thee in oblivious.
An act of Sodom and Gomorrah.
Before i could realized how serious it was she fell down and heeded up the ghost.
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