

Second Chances and glances
The sun was setting in the horizon. I watched it and wondered,should I walk towards it or wait back.
Just then,I heard my phone ringing from my room and ran to pick it.It was my dad reminding me to come with more flowers for my mom.It was her birthday and we were getting together for a small intimate party later that night.
My mom loved flowers just as I did if not more.To her,flowers signified beauty and freedom of expression of color.They're also what saved her in her childhood from sinking into depression.She named me Daisy.Her favorite.
When growing up,her parents didn't get along so well and when the shouting match began,her heart would start beating loudly, she'd get quick breaths and quickly find her way to her safe place.The garden.
The smell of daisies,roses and others with words she was not able to pronounce calmed her down like a charm.
So knowing this,my dad and I respected her love for them.
It was going to be an all white dinner.I hated dress codes,hated rules,hated anything that limited me.My father's daughter.But love makes you do crazy things huh!
Too bad I hadn't found a person to do crazy things for yet.
I was twenty seven,with no prospects for marriage whatsoever.I had started to even think that people saw me as gay and were scared to approach me or was I too tough?Too independent?
Who knows?This didn't irk me one bit though.
I wasn't one to rush things.They would come when the time was right.If there was no right time then so be it.
After a quick shower,I put on minimal makeup,grabbed my coat and headed off to a social gathering which I would have opted out of if not for the love of family.
I got into the car and drove to the nearest flowershop which was six blocks from my place and 3 from my parents'.
As I was walking towards the shop,I saw a familiar face.
My almost fiancéé(in my dreams)who ran off with my heart.Who I'd had a crush on for years and not said anything about it even before he left for a job in Atlanta.
I figured,there was no harm in calling him.Which I did,before he went too far.He turned in slow motion,his hair flipping and him flashing a heart halting smile after recognizing who I was.
All of a sudden,he was walking towards me.I was not prepared for this.What was I going to tell him?Would I be able to maintain my composure?Did he still see that shy,brace wearing fat kid from high school or did he see me for how I'd turned out?
"Hey Daisy,how you doin?You look amazing."He said this while giving me a look from head to toe which had my insides stirring.
"I'm doing fine,I'd say the same for you.What're you doing here,didn't move to Atlanta for that job you got?"I tried my best to remain as nonchalant as I could but apparently, I was either failing,or,he could pretty much read my mind.
"Didn't you miss me?Don't act like you're not pleased to see me.Anyways not like it's any of your business,but I'm back.For good this time.My father's really sick and he asked me to take over from him in the company.So now,I'm learning from the best while taking care of my father.Where you headed to dressed like that?Where's your date?" He had that cocky smile as if he was mocking me.
By the looks of it,he knew I didn't have a date and was just asking that to get a reaction.I told him where I was headed and he politely asked whether he could accompany me.
Shocked,I agreed. He had never looked at me twice before,he had a reputation for dating girls that were my complete opposite and now he was asking to take accompany me to my mama's party?
It was going to be an interesting night.
After buying her the flowers and getting my mother a gift, we headed to the parking lot where he suggested we use his car since it was faster to avoid getting late.
Faster my foot.He just wanted to show off his new Porsche.I'd never been in one before so I thanked my lucky stars for his attempt at trying to impress only this once because who knows when I'd ever be in a Porsche again because daamn.It was a fine car.
Being in an enclosed space together, shifted the atmosphere between us.There was a more forced conversation and at some point,we just stopped trying. I however noticed the small glances he made my way as if he still couldn't believe I'd turned out like this.
I on the other hand couldn't help but be hyper aware of his presence. His smell was into intoxicating,His hair styled to perfection....To be continued😁.

First short story. How's it so far?I might finish it,If I get enough motivation😉.