

My thoughts, My truth.
As time passes by, I can't find anything that could explain why everything seems so plain. At least for myself, it is. It doesn't matter how they view me as human, but they should respect me as one.

Everytime I look at the mirror, my eyes seemingly tells me stories I will never understand. Maybe I ain't ready to read those odd stories that I already knew that it would hurt me. Knowing that those are Past, Present and Future. It would probably break me halfway, yet I'm still hoping it will complete the puzzle that remains unplayed.

The uncertainty of the unknown scares me most,
the level of my confidence sucks like I'm at frost.
It get me nervous every passing day knowing it's already near. I'm guessing my end is near. Whether I like it or not, I must face the consequences I, myself had caused. It's for the betterment of my unsettled thoughts.

I worry, and so I knew. The Right Path is this. Without these worries I'm feeling, without this doubt imprinted, I cannot take courage to prove I may not confident as them but I could take risk to make sure I'm in the right place. It won't not be very long, I'll get there. May be not now, But I knew soon.

I'm already having glimpse of what I am in the future. Was now gradually unfolding some pieces of that odd stories, to complete the puzzle unplayed. Now picking up fragments that would complete the incomplete. It's just my ego altering what I should into not should. Cowardice it is, but still hoping soon I could turn it into Pride and Prime. Thereafter, I shall bloom.