

Team UK vs Team USA - part 2

The pair cautiously made their way down a series of dark passageways until they reached the entrance.

‘I hate these places. They certainly stink of something, but what it is, I’ll never know,’ remarked Ken rather loudly.
‘Stop moaning and keep your voice down,’ whispered Boris sharply, not even daring to crane his neck around.
The decidedly dodgy looking nurse wheeled the heavy lump through the revolving door and in to the reception area.
‘Keep us well to the left and follow the signs for the lifts. We’ll start searching the first-floor wards, where intelligence suspects the target to be.’
Before he could finish his sentence, a polite voice called out from the reception desk on the other side of the lobby.
‘Excuse me… Hello… Can I help you at all?’
Every bone in their bodies had to resist the urge to turn around and reply to the voice, but it began to look like they had no choice. Footsteps became increasingly louder behind them as they reached the lift doors.
A slender hand landed politely on Ken’s stiff shoulder.
‘Hello… Is everything ok? I was calling you.’
Ken turned slowly around and the young girl got a good look at the suit with the mummified head and two beady eyes poking out.
‘Oh my God! What the hell happened to him!’
‘Oh, err, yes… There was a bomb. A big bomb… I’m just bringing him in.’
She looked very concerned and wouldn’t stop staring.
‘Oh, right. Do you need me to get some help?’
‘No! There’s no need. I’ve been assigned to bring him in and get him sorted out.’
She really didn’t look sure.
‘Oh right. You’ll need casualty then. It’s the first ward you come to on the first floor.’
‘Ok, yes, thank you.’
‘Do you mind if I take a look at him?’
‘No! It’s probably best you don’t. He’s in a bad way. The blast blew most of his skull away, and his eyes came out.’
‘Oh my God! You’d better hurry him upstairs then.’
‘Yes, thanks. I will.’
Ken repeatedly pushed the lift button with his shaky finger.
After seemingly an eternity, the lift doors opened. He shoved the big lump through the doors and they began to slowly close.
‘Good luck,’ called out the girl.


The pair waited in silence, staring at the wall as the lift began to ascend.
Boris broke the silence.
‘There was a big bomb? ………It blew most of his skull away, and his eyes came out? ………Couldn’t you have just said I had a little accident with my lawn mower!’
‘I panicked. She wanted to take a look! And anyway, why would you have been cutting the grass in a suit and tie?’
‘You know, people that get mutilated in bomb blasts don’t get picked up in the car by the district nurse and brought in to hospital in a wheel chair………. We’ll just have to keep an eye out for her and hope that she doesn’t check up on us.’

The doors open to level one.

The duo exit the lift keeping right and pass through the busy reception area quickly as possible.

‘Got through that one! No little busy bodies trying to help us,’ muttered Ken.

They slowly begin working their way around the rows of beds and communal areas, keeping their eyes and ears peeled for their target.

‘Hey! Watch my legs on the doors. Can you stop banging me in to everything you possibly can. I’m getting covered in bruises.’
‘I can’t help it. It’s these high heels. I can’t walk properly in them.’
‘Then why did you wear them? We aren’t in an adult movie. Real life nurses wear Crocs, don’t they?’
‘I wanted to get fully absorbed in the character.’
‘What character’s that? A transvestite robot? It’s like watching C3PO trying to walk with a Sonic Screwdriver lodged up his bottom. ………And your stubble’s all poking through your makeup!’
‘Yeah… Well at least I don’t look like Mr Bump.’

The exhausted nurse stopped by some vending machines and leant against the wall.
He bent down and babbled in a wheezing whisper.
‘This is bloody ridiculous……… The place is huge. We’ve been here half an hour already and we’ve only done this level. He ain’t where they thought he’d be, so there could be six more levels to go.
………I’m knackered, and this flaming wheel chair won’t stop squeaking. It’s drawing too much attention. I’m gonna carry on myself.’
‘Are you sure that’s a good idea? Maggie told us to stay together.’
‘I know, but the window of opportunity is narrowing by the minute. I’ll cover ground much quicker on my own. I’ll be back for you. Just wait here by the machines and look ill… but not too ill. You don’t want to get defibrillated or get an operation or something. Just do some coughing and pretend to be asleep. If anyone asks, someone is just coming for you.’
‘Ok, roger that. I’ll just stay right here and wait, till the lovely nurse Kendra returns to give me my sponge bath.’

Ken ignored his jesting and headed for the lift.

