

Fear No One
I ran all the way home from the ground. The older boys had beaten me up good but I still had the strength to run as far as I could from them.
I knew my mother would be the next one to thrash me for getting beaten up, which was ironical, if you know what I mean. But I had no choice. I couldn't tell her the real reason the boys picked on me...

the days were stating to go fast
scared that if they ever see me againg
they will still beat me up

one day i woke up and told my self that enough about me being bullied
i went out side to check if the was anyone
in the in the street ....... i saw the boys that
used to beat me up .....
i went to them without any fear knowing that
im protected by god
.....my mom called in fear and scared that they
were going to beat me up ..i quickly went to the boys as they were
walking towards me i said
..today is the last day of you people bullying me

they replied with anger one wanted to
slap me suddenly the was a storm
..and wind

they wanted to run
but they failed

soon the was a voice coming from the sky

it says No more fighting against one another ...

i knew that god had been there for

i have learnt that no matter what people do to you
god is always there for us ....

Buhlebenkosi Pkay
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