

Horrible Smartphone failures of all time.
Here are four famous smartphone failure. This failure list even consists of smartphone from BlackBerry, iPhone, Samsung and Amazon.

BlackBerry Storm: The smartphone name may sound great. But it was the disaster for BlackBerry company.

When most smartphone makers were making touch screen mobile handsets, BlackBerry released this touch screen smartphone. But the touch screen was really bad. It was not actually touch screen. Users have to press instead of touch. So it was the single biggest disaster for the flagship smartphone company.

Samsung Galaxy Note 7: There is still no doubt that Samsung Galaxy Note 7 is a great smart phone. But this smartphone become fire cracker as so many of them blasted. Actually battery packaging of this smartphone was very composed. So it was generating too much heat and blasted. This smartphone was restricted in flights, conferences and in important places. But later many blasting cases company started replacing this device with newly manufactured safe Galaxy Note 7.

Freedom 251: Ringing bells company took an initiative to avail smartphone to every people in India at the rupees of 251. We all know that, smartphone at the price of 251 is not possible. Make in India phone at 251 rupees still not possible. If it was possible it would be Chinese. At first they started taking online pre-orders for this phone. Then they were unable to supply the phone, so they returned money.

Amazon Fire Phone: Amazon is one of the giant company having so many products and services. So they decided to launch their smartphone. And it was Amazon Fire Phone. This phone's configuration was not up-to the mark for an flagship smartphone. Also it was priced high (same as iPhone at that time). This smartphone get 2.6 star out of 5 on Amazon.com.

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