


Simply trust means a belief in Someone/Something!

Why it hurts when someone breaks it!?

You know Trust is something we ourself add in our Human Relations.

The feeling of Trusting someone is like second step to begin any relationship..
If you start trusting someone, obiviously it means you have respect for them.

You know more than trust your “Blind Trust” hurts more when it is broken.

Blind trust is something,
you believe in person without questioning anything, Agreeing whatever he/she say.

We kids mostly trust Blindly.
Even in our Friendships, If we make a Friend, we trust him/her closing our eyes.
I am not telling trust is wrong, infact trust is like backbone of any relationship.

But Blind trust makes your relationship worse.
I have experienced this in class 8 😪.
So take this a tip from me.
Trust your Friends, but don't blind trust them
If once Trust is broken You can forgive them, but what about heart..Right!?

It's because, The person whom we trusted was the one whom you believed that, He will be one with you all the Life,
he will be the one supporting you...

The relation which was started with respect no longer has guts to face them again.
We even start Loosing respect which made us built trust..obviously our Friendship no longer exist.

So i am telling Trust once Relation but don't Blind trust.
This is the only Answer I can give☺
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