

Not my strentgh...
I'm... not ready, in any way. I'm not ready to go into this world, this world full of evil. I'm still young, vulnerable; I'm an easy target to throw off the rails.

I'm still discovering new things about myself, hormones will do that to you. I'm still adapting to everything that the world throws at me.

So no, I'm not ready. Well, that's only partly true...

You see, none of this is in my own strength; no way could I hold out against the evils of this world if there wasn't somebody on the other side. I have a God whose love is always patient...always kind...and NEVER fails to find me.

But...WHY? Why does the King of Kings and Lord of Lords find it in His heart to help me through this? Is it because I have proved myself righteous? Heck no! I sin at least seven times a day, yet He forgives seventy-seven times. Is it because I please Him by sharing all these testimonies and bringing the truth before the earth? Of course not!

He loves me, because it is not ABOUT ME. It's about Him.
He WANTS me.
He wants to USE me.
He want me to want HIM.

And I do want Him. I really want a relationship with Him. But what am I willing to give up? Think about that for a moment, it won't be that easy. Because God wants ALL OF YOU. Not just some of your time, He wants ALL of your time. He doesn't just want some of your struggles, he wants to help ALL of them.

So, God wants all of YOU. He's already given you all of Himself, so now go do the same. Study the Word, get in a community, pray, worship, do whatever you need...

...but find THE LORD.

God bless you all, enjoy your day.🫶☀️✝️