

Attitude is absolutely everything in life 😎
If you can't do it yourself, you better create a motherfucker that can!!!

* Sometimes the road in front of us is so fucking steep that we can't imagine how we are going to get up it!

* Sometimes the fucking water is so cold that you can't imagine getting into it!

* Sometimes the weight on shoulders is so heavy that you can't imagine being able to take on anymore!

* Two things that are inevitable about life - pain and suffering!

No matter if you were born on 3rd base having the world gifted to you, there’s still no way to avoid it.
If you can't imagine it, you better create someone that can!

* Attitude is absolutely everything in life! The only thing more contagious than a good attitude is a bad one.

Adversity is the key to opportunity! You have to make all this adversity work for yourself verses against yourself.

There's a fucking hero in all of us!
It's up to us to chip away the rough edges to make that hero appear.