


It’s been two years since I broke up with Tristan. He has been my boyfriend for over four years. We became distant from each other because daddy moved me to school in Japan while Tristan was left in the Philippines. I met there someone who was able to make me smile while Tristan and I were away from each other. What I did was wrong--I seduced others even though I already had a boyfriend. But the smile that my cheating on Tristan brought to me was only temporary. My japanese boyfriend and I only had a relationship for a year. So I deeply regret what I did to Tristan.
I thought of meeting him again in the Philippines. I had the courage to call him on the phone, and he agreed to my request.

One afternoon, I was still far from the park but I could already see Tristan. Looks like I've seen someone else. The joy in his smile did not seem real and there was sadness in his eyes.
"Tristan, I'm glad to see you again. How are you?" I spoke to him. "I'm okay Mia. Somehow, I've been able to smile since we broke up." He responded to me while looking into my eyes.

I asked him if he still loves me. But he seemed to hear nothing. "Tristan, I'm so sorry!" I said tearfully. "I hope you let me come back to you again, can we be lovers again?" I added. But I was disappointed in what I wanted to hear him say, I begged him to give me another chance. "I'm sorry Mia. But we can still be friends". He answered me. And he immediately told me that he had to leave. He was a few steps away when I called him again. "Tristan, wait! Goodbye, always take care of yourself", I said. When he left, I couldn't help but cry and cry. “This is probably how much pain he felt when I broke up with him”, I whispered to myself.
© angie