

Smile to the End Please. ( Part ~5 )
.Chapter- One.

It was 1960 in the boiling situation of Garv's family meeting....

Bikash Uncle: okay, Ma as you say but it'll be his last chance.

Garv: I'll go wherever you send me (in a very wrecked voice) as he was standing still in a red shirt , sleeves are folded to the elbow and bowing his head down.

Every person of the family is very attached with Garv emotionally even Bikash Uncle too..as Garv was a much sentimental boy.. unlike Rahul who was much more practical in sense.

But when it comes to well-being of their own child, some people can make their heart as a cold rock I guess.

Hence, everyone was little bit relieved that the conversation didn't lasted for eternity.

Bukash uncle nodded in agreement when finally Grandma made the official conclusion by stating that "Okay beta( son) we all understand"

After that day..
Garv came to drop a goodbye at our house and said I'm leaving in two days dada(elder brother). Do you plan to carry your studies further from there on I asked.He nodded as he was unable to paint his situation with own words. Garv hardly utter a whole sentence rather he replied with a mild smile for some of my random queries onwards but then he started a line that went on...

Yes it hurts to pluck your roots
and plant it elsewhere.
But In the journey of Life some pain
Comes with a pleasure.
A second chance to prove
their words were true
who took the stand for me.
A second chance is rare,
not eveybody can get.
Smile heals you,
No matter whoever is the owner of it.

I got a second chance Dada , it is my delight.

His words amazed me again. In all those storm running in his life but then he still found a way to smile about.

At that point only one thing came to my mind such a fool how can one say that when he has to give off the comfort of own nest at his age.

(The Day Of Departure At The Train Station )

Garv Beta(son),did you put your wallet in the bag or in your pocket? Asked Sita auntie (Garv's mother)

Don't worry Maa (Mother) I have packed everything.

Call me everyday, eat plenty of water and do not betray you sleep, ordered Sita auntie.

I can't promise mama (Mother)but I'll try to keep up with your statement, said Garv.

Then Garv offered bow by touching their feet with hand.
After that he get in the train by carrying his extra large baggage anyhow with both hands.

A 14 year teenager on his own , how could he get through it said His Grandma in murmuring pitch.

Then the train started his move towards by blowing a loud horn and iron wheels started to make their rhythmic song. The tail of the train became invisible in thin air as the rhythm goes on and on....

**Story Title** # "Smile to the End Please"
^^upnext part 6
to be continued.......

© Someone✍️