

Fragile Threads: A Journey of Pride, Peril, and Divine Grace

The car swerved around the sharp bend, tires screeching against the asphalt, giving a narrow miss to the oncoming bus. My heart pounded in my chest, the echo of its beats drowning out the sounds of the road. It was a mid-term break, and I was heading home after a term at Queen of the Apostles Seminary. Filled with the pride of returning from such an esteemed mission school, high spirits danced in my thoughts as I looked forward to sharing my experiences with family and friends. Little did I know, this journey would etch a near-death experience into the fabric of my memories.

As the car teetered on the edge of disaster, time seemed to stretch, each moment an eternity. The air in the vehicle was thick with tension, a silent acknowledgment of the perilous situation we found ourselves in. My heart's frantic rhythm became a percussion accompanying the screeching tires, creating a symphony of danger.

In those fleeting seconds, my life flashed before my eyes, a montage of cherished moments and unrealized dreams. The gust of wind that preceded the heart-stopping realization of our proximity to a collision painted a vivid picture of the fragility of life. It wasn't just luck that had spared us; it was the divine mercy of God, a presence felt in the intensity of that moment.

As the car regained stability, a collective sigh of relief filled the cabin. The gravity of what had just transpired settled in, casting a solemn hush over our journey. Glances were exchanged, words were few, but the shared understanding of the fragility of life bound us together in a silent pact to savor every breath we took.

The rest of the journey was marked by an unspoken reverence for the gift of life. The landscape passed by in a blur, but my thoughts lingered on the profound realization that our existence is fragile, and every moment is a precious thread in the tapestry of our journey.

Arriving home, I embraced my beloved mother and my siblings with a newfound appreciation. The near miss on that treacherous bend had imparted a lesson that transcended the confines of the road—it was a lesson in gratitude, resilience, and an acknowledgment of the divine hand that had guided us through the brink of disaster.

Years have passed since that fateful day, but the echoes of the swerving car and the divine intervention remain etched in my memory. It serves as a constant reminder to live each moment fully, recognizing the fragile beauty of life and the inexplicable grace that accompanies it.

© Aquilo-Dominic G. Udo