

Once there a boy named raghav, he lives with his elder brother and they were like best friends, but fight at times. His elder brother is farhad, he doesn't want anyone in his life as yet as he is so much into his career and his work and have to take care of his brother.
Meanwhile raghav, he is a very carefree guy he likes to party, but when it came to work he does his work.
One night raghav went to a party and that night they were many people there dancing and drinking, however raghav join the drinking group as he drinks with his friend. Soon they all began talking and having fun with each other while taking a sip of their drink.
Raghav was watching around he saw a crew dancing and his eyes stuck on a spot where he saw a girl sitting quietly in a corner neither dancing nor drinking.
He goes up to her and offer her a drink but she say she wouldn't as she don't drink and he tell her but why this is a party na. And then they began talking with each other(actually Raghav was asking her about herself), it was said that her name is pallavi and her friend has forced her to come to the party.
It was late and pallavi wants to go home but her friend is still busy with partying and raghav saw that she wants to go home as she was restless and raghav ask her if she wants him to drop her but she refused, then raghav said that he is not drunk and will take her home safely and it's his promise and she decided to go with him because she wanted to go out of that place plus she could saw honesty in his eyes and she went with raghav as raghav left and didn't tell his friends anything about him leaving but he messaged them. However when they meet raghav ask if they can be friends and they smile as they shook hands together and then they went their way. After a while raghav reach home and farhad open the door for him, and then farhad tell him that dinner is ready and they both have dinner together. Then raghav went to play a video game and farhad joins him, however as they were playing and raghav was about to lose the game, he took a pillow and started hitting farhad as he wants to win. Farhad didn't get distracted and he won, then farhad laughs and raghav hit him again with the pillow, and farhad took a pillow and there cute fights continue.
However as its night they went to sleep but one soul was restless and find it hard to sleep.
Then its morning and farhad gets ready as he is going to work and he told raghav that who ever comes home first will cook the food and farhad left and after a while raghav left. However at his workplace he saw pallavi with a form of joining the company and pallavi saw him and said raghav you here? And then raghav said that he works here and then they smile as they continue to talk. However the boss called pallavi inside and when she came out she was happy as she have got the job. Then raghav congratulate her and they then continue their work.
However after work raghav ask pallavi if she could give him her number as they are friends, she takes a little time thinking and said ok give me your phone as he give her and she collected the phone as she put her number in. And they then went their way. At home raghav arrives and farhad wasn't home yet so he remember farhad said to cook if he reach home, he however puts on the music as he prepared food for him and his brother farhad. He didn't eat as he always eat with farhad, so after cooking he takes his phone and thinking about messaging pallavi as he is free and bored also. So he messaged her but she didn't reply at the same time, she reply 15 minutes late. Pallavi tell him that she lives alone and he knew pallavi would normally do everything by herself, he still have his brother with him. And they continue to chat with each other and then raghav heard his brother ringing the bell and he went and open the door and farhad came in and he sits.
His brother was talking with him but raghav intention was on the phone and his brother just got up and took the phone away as raghav wasn't listening to him. Raghav tell him to give him his phone back but he didn't and they started to fight again. However raghav phone rings and farhad look at the phone and he saw pallavi name and he ask who is that and raghav just took the phone and went to his room(actually ran to his room).
After few weeks, one day wasn't work and raghav tell pallavi if they can go out for lunch and pallavi agrees and they both went out to a restaurant and raghav then take pallavi to his home. They actually love each other but didn't want to tell each other. At raghav home farhad had went to work as he had work but raghav didn't and raghav and pallavi sit as they looks at a movie and then farhad comes home, and raghav didn't know what to do so he tell pallavi to go in his room and hide whereas he opens the door and farhad comes in. Raghav started sweating and farhad ask him if he is ok and he said yah and they then sit, however pallavi phone rings and farhad heard and ask whose calling and raghav laugh and said maybe his phone but farhad saw that his phone was on the chair and he suspect something, farhad goes in raghav room and he found pallavi and he says a girl and pallavi came out. Farhad glared at Raghav as it's his first time he did something like this
They then had a little talk as Raghav explain to Farhad that he likes her ,raghav thinks farhad will say a no but farhad agrees when both says they love each other. But no marrying now but they still meet each other and visit each other and get to know more about each other. Hearing this pallavi mouth was open wide and she blushed as she looked down
However farhad was happy for raghav as he got fixed with a girl and raghav ask farhad what about him but farhad is ok for now but soon will find someone as he wink 😉
The end 😊

© Amru❤️