

Today we are entering the new year of 2021 from the year of 2020. The year of 2020 will be a new inspiration for our life, a way to move towards a new way of life if we have learned. That is what we can learn from the year 2020. Whether it is fighting against corona in life, facing all difficulties by living together in life or having a sense of cosmopolitanism, we can learn from the year 2020. We have something in our life every time. We are learning and there is always something to learn and we make a new journey to move forward in life. The path to a new beginning of life is not easy. We are in a situation today where people have their own health or business employment. In all that we are lagging behind but our government has been telling us for many years, many years to bring health awareness, many people have talked in many ways to save business employment in times of trouble but in some situations people People did not believe the words, despite the repeated suggestions of the government, people did not follow it strictly. But when faced with the real situation, people have a new motivation to move forward today, whether it is for their own health or people's business employment. Have found.
We know that we went to Coronation last year and in this Corona time we faced many situations, in many situations we lost everything. One thing in life we ​​always see is that we get happiness after sorrow and if we get happiness after sorrow. Then we understand the value of true happiness. As a result, that happiness becomes the lasting happiness of life. Today we have the unity of the people of our country in the difficult times of Corona or the support that people used to give to each other in their troubles. An excellent example is provided to the world. The support and cooperation of many people and the spirit of cosmopolitanism in them inspired many people to fight against Korona and also to learn where our country is from warfare, nepotism or infighting. If it is free, our country can still be a gold digger and our country can become a world leader again and provide an excellent example to the world.
Today in our country we see that diseases like unemployment, malnutrition, corruption etc. weaken our country from within. We have won by fighting against Corona but today there are many things like Corona in our country which are not ahead of our country. Let life come. There is sorrow in life. There is a battle of people and castes, a battle of different religions of our country which makes our country weak from within today. When Swami Vivekananda went to Chicago, I told him that my India is a whole world. Where there is unity, happiness, peace and prosperity, there is love and harmony among people .Where people inspire the whole world by being like a family to people other than themselves. Today, my country India is truly a world leader .I am proud It is said that today India is my birthplace and we are the children of Mother India. Today, by fighting the battle of Dharma Dharma or Naat Jaat, we have weakened the world of our India, the world as a family and the proud India of our Swami Vivekananda. Creating.
Today, the whole world is proud of our India. Today, if there is a country that inspires the whole world, it is our India. Today, if the whole world is under the protection of anyone, it is our India. Many great teachers in our country, Many great religion gurus, many scholars are in our country India today, which is nowhere else in the world. The whole world is running under his guidance. Today, if God is to be brought to earth, then that power is not in our country India today. People are in. Today in the whole world, if there is any country in the country, the teaching of true greatness of knowledge, devotional life, if there is any country, then it is our India. Where many great personalities like Mahatma Gandhi, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, Chandrasekhar Azad, Born and inspired our country to progress Today, the whole world salutes the great men of our country India .Make their words the inspiration of life and live a happy life by making their words and them the ideal of life .Although today with America Weapons remain more in time and the world is a powerful country even where there is talk of true education of knowledge, culture and life. There is no doubt that our country is still the world's guru today, it was in the past and will be in the future.
Today, when a country raises its voice against our country or talks of waging war, the other country also becomes frightened when it hears the words of Maharana Pratap, Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj of our country that there is Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj in the country. If there is Maharana Pratap, the people of the country in which there is Maharani Lakshmibai will also be brave and fearless like Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, Maharana Pratap and the sister of our country will be Rani Lakshmibai.
Today, Acharya Chanakya has become a great Acharya in our country whose only dream was a united India. And many people sacrificed their lives for a united India. His life was dedicated to a united India and became immortal in history. Today, when we talk about Acharya Chanakya, we are reminded of Alexander, who went out to conquer the whole world, with whom he had the world's largest military force. Alexander, the great Acharya of our country, came to conquer India. He could not conquer our country because of the wisdom of Chanakya and a great king like Chandragupta. He was the strength of our country. The man who conquered the world with whom he had the strength of the whole world could not bend the hair of our country. At the time of non-existence, India defeated Alexander. Today, Pakistan threatens India with war. Today, even in the youngest boy in our country, the blood of Maharana Pratap's success story is flowing. Today, Chhatrapati Shivaji's inspiring rites. Today, in our country, even the youngest child, when co Remembering the great men of our country at the time of e-work, remembering the sacrifices of their lives and making their lives from iron to gold by the true struggle of life.
Today, at a time when injustice is happening in life, people remember the words of non-violence of Mahatma Gandhi, the Father of the Nation of our country. His hymn "Vaishnav Jan To Tene Kahiye Je Pid Parai Jaane Re" Bhajan Communicates a new spiritual strength .People know the true meaning of life today .Our Father of the Nation Mahatma Gandhi made our country free from British slavery by agitating for non-violence in our country .There were many foreign invasions in our country, our Many foreigners have been enslaved in the country but our country is still a world leader. Even if they took many things from our country to their own country, our country is still a happy country in the world. Our country's festival is still famous in the world today. Many people celebrate the festival of our country. Today many people from all over the world come to our country in our country for kite festival or Navratri or Holi. They take advantage of the festival celebrated in our country and get true happiness of life. Today, when citizens of any country from all over the world come to our country, the only thing they say is that India There is no place in the world where there is such a great culture. There is nowhere else in the world like the people of our country .This is the greatness of our country .This is our world guru India and I am proud that I was born in India and my Mother India is mother.
Today our country is one of the great countries in the world. Today in all the countries of the world if any country is worshiped as mother and if its land is worshiped as motherland then it is our only India in the whole world. This is the greatest pride of our country .Today, all over the world, the statues of great men of our country are made and from their lives, many people are given the message of life .Today, if our country has the greatest need, it is that our The country is free from diseases like corruption, malnutrition, unemployment, poverty and our country is free from this disease and moves towards the path of progress. Today in our country today this disease like corruption, malnutrition, unemployment, poverty has taken root. The government is making many efforts to eradicate this disease. Many times the people are awakened to fight against this disease but due to lack of awareness of the people in our country we cannot be free from this disease and the efforts of the government are failing. If awareness came, victory could be achieved by fighting against Corona and an epidemic like Corona He also brought out our country which was even more difficult for the world superpowers. If we can defeat the epidemic like Corona and move our country towards the path of progress, will we save our country from diseases like corruption, malnutrition, unemployment, poverty? Can't we defeat and move our country towards the path of progress? We can defeat diseases like corruption, malnutrition, unemployment, poverty in our country. Our country can be a gold digger again but we need education and awareness among the people and against the disease like corruption, malnutrition, unemployment, poverty. When the awakening to fight comes, no one can stop our country from becoming a gold digger and our country will become a gold digger again and our country will move forward on the path of progress again. Let us fight against and let us move our country on the path of progress by cultivating the spirit of one family in the world and let our country achieve many achievements and make our country famous in the world and move our country towards the path of progress.
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