

My scream is like a roar of fear and sadness, my eyes blurs as the tears are on the edge, pushing me to fall them down. I began letting the tears go free.
"It's okay, Christine. He's in a better place now."
My brother tries to comfort me through his words.

A Few Years Later

A bell was standing in front of me, I grip onto it, reminding me of my grandpa who passed away due to grastic cancer and other complications.
I take steps leading to my desk, I put it on my light blue, wood desk.
It's the bell that he would use when at work.
Seeing the bell is like digging a hole for me to fall in.
Memories flashes in mind, a box sticked to his bedroom door that is filled with letters, the balloons that he would buy me, the way he comforts me.
His voice echoes inside my mind.
