

Empyrean Rising
From the nucleus of the Multiverse... I observe. I create environments for my many creations. Depending on what sector of whichever surface you are on; each has their own language, customs, etc. for the purposes of this writing we will focus on the "Erthings" (because apparently they are last species to grasp the reality of intergalactic space travel.) Although time is infinite, Erthings are participating in the "yeer" 2020 in the midsts of a global pandemic, unlike anything they have ever experienced in their history.

It has been agreed by the entire Multiverse that no interference / assistance of any type would be afforded to these arrogant creatures. These Erthings are so self-involved, ignorant and consumed with "N&N" (nothingness & nonsense) that they actually believe they are the only intelligent life in their Galaxy!

As I (Beginning) radiate here in the Nucleus of the Multiverse, I sadly observe my precious creations. Somehow one of them began telling stories (after having consumed some shrooms that heightened the sensory cortex) Speaking of all existence being a labyrinth! Telling, elaborate, stupid stories of how I started time, big bang theories, evolving from apes or being made from dirt, then they invented Jesus, Buddha, the Quran, the Bible and all types of these books that make these so called rules and regulations from ME! Then instead of exercising the free will they are given; they give a few control over the many! The entire planet is consumed with control, hatred, bigotry, racism, denial! I had to concede that the utter nincompoopery is astronomically ridiculous they call themselves "huemends" but they are the most inhumane group in their Galaxy... I cannot help them, they must come before the Multiverse Conclave! My deep sigh causes a tremor across the Multiverse.

I do not like being in this position, they are in essence my children, however, walking around in those "skin suits" seems to make them forget that they are spiritual beings having that huemend experience. No matter what they believe or what they want! I have to allow this to play out! Why must they argue amongst themselves, divide themselves amongst the most common things? I know I should have taken away the epidermis and just left them this muscles with no skin on top they live like that perfectly on "Skinflak".

I am the Creator, after all! I argued for my creations, I gave all species free will to do as they please! I am not jealous or vengeful or any of those other ridiculous things that they say I am. I am not! I assure you, if you have been to Nucleus, you know the truth.

Now, I'm going to use this writing to relay a message to all in the Multiverse. I will provide this information in the simplest form that you can understand. There are people on your planet that you all call "insane", please look at the word properly (which most of you do not) those people are actually the ones that are sane. They hear me clearly and they know what is about to happen before the rest of you, but you don't want to hear them. They are your homeless, your drug addicts, your alone and helpless. they are your forgotten they are your hidden shame they are your perversions they are your shame.

You call each other names, kill each other with drugs and guns and hurtful words that make someone take themselves away. As you are all struggling through the same experience oh that's right you guys call it life.

Yet the planet itself is yelling at you all and you're not listening! Can't you all see? Record tornadoes, floods, fires, creatures larger than they're supposed to be! Did not you all point atyour books and say it's written here it's written there! Oh no, you all have made your destiny clear...I see it is going to take drastic measures to make you all grow near.

Oh yes for the past 50 years of movies and TV we've been trying to prepare you quietly. but your species with every small advance that each planet dropped off in an attempt to help you throughout the centuries you all corrupted it. each and every advance you was given you corrupted it. all I can do is watch. oh I could do more...of course! but why would I? you all have bastardized my name you have killed in my name. every warrior that I send you kill. every captain that stands in front of your tyranny is murdered in front of the masses and the masses are tired and they are in turn angry and destructive.

How sad is it though that in one of your spaces buildings and cement are more important than the fleshlings. one of your country people said if you knock down a statue you will get 10 yeers in jail. well a hurricane came by and knocked down those statues! The "WindFolk" have free will as well. don't get me started on the fire and the water they are not happy either and oh my the trees and your entire atmosphere I'm not even going to go into it. as of this writing you guys still have a few more days to go until the yeer is over.

I've been hearing more and more of you waking up and talking to me and listening to me some of you are getting the rings in your ears some of you are getting a bunch of other things but on December the 21st you guys should be getting a upgrade and a download those of you who are awake well it doesn't matter if you're awake or not you're still going to get it download or upgrade it's going to be upgrade download whatever you call it whatever you want to call it just be prepared for your entire existence to be altered to a point that it will be both lovely and inspiring and wonderful.

That thing that you all have going called hatred that's going to have to stop you guys are the only entire people in the universe that do that crap nobody else does what you guys do and the way you portray some of the other species in movies like they're just killers and savages and OH MYSELF you all are so... wonderfully made by me I still cannot help you with this one.

Hopefully, you will learn a lesson.
© MsRose