

Covid against Us ALL
~ Team couch OR Team grave ~

#TeamCouch all day....I don't wanna die or my kids or husband!!" #TeamLife

((My sweet, funny, 6year old son had really bad breathing problems last month && had hospital visits && thank GOD no covid!!" We been quarantining since this all started and never stopped... He still got sick but recoverd very quickly!!" We're Soo thankful to GOD...it was the scariest time we ever had)))))

Chillin && doing nothing of value.... RelaXing enjoying the simple pleasures of this crazy twisted pleasures of this crazy twisted life....
Covid out here taking people out left && right....Every single day....Worlds largest killer && it doesn't even have a face or can be criminalized....A murder ~ a virus ~ it's all one in the same.......
Sadly helpless either way.....we sit waiting for this to somehow magically just poof up && disappear............It's a new way to this human life we all live.... Mask up && protect others && yourself,!!" ......It's your responsibility but also because of all the souls that were lost during this pandemic it's your privilege......You didn't die like the millions who lost there heartbeats, their precious lives && didn't get to tell their stories of survival because we'll they didn't survive.....They fought as hard as they could...Each && Everyone.........But their immune system && lungs were fighting against something that unfortunately proved more Strong!!" It came out of nowhere && changed every human path.....Everybody's life's.....To have lost someone && be a statice,is a helpless feeling.....No way to defend your loved ones or yourself when your unarmed && blind... Thrown into such a huge fight .......So critical that we ALL follow the guidelines......The government isn't saying Don't celebrate holidays together in large groups or go out to crowds because they want to control your lives......They aren't trying to dedicate the way you walk your path in life.....This is a first for us all.....Even the men who's layed out and created those rule s~ that alot of people are trying to rebel and stand up for their rights fur RightNow..... During a pandemic!!" Because Yeahhh that makes alot sense.... Common sense doesn't seem to exist in so many these days....It breaks my heart... but even more pisses me off to the core.... Rebeling against a sickness!!"
But coronavirus isn't playing nice...It's not a gamble worth taking.... Because just as you say I can break the rules & do what I want...... Covid is right there Saying that's right....I know place......
& leads you straight to your grave & whoever all you infected along the way......This is America they say over & over again.....the land of the free....We all know where we live...This isn't about geographic....A place on the map that hasn't been infected does not exist.... Taking a steo into your own 6ft grave.......& regret will fill you ...As you are laying there struggling to keep your last breath.....Death isn't something you want to Protest against..... There's no heart...there's no talking it out...No emotion....It's a virus that attacks to kill & doesn't stop..It's will is sooo much stronger then your desire to be living....No crying or begging can get you to safety ... Once it has its mighty grip on you....You quickly realize the most dummiest mistake you most dummiest mistake you ever made was believeing you had power over a death master!!!"
When your body is shutting down & your mind knows it won't be that long now....Until your time on earth will be soon be expring....a toe tag will be your new jewelry, a funeral that can't take place & if some choose to define and still gather.....Your death will be the cause choose to define & still gather.....Your death will be the cause of the next close person to you...To die just like you ....It's a domino effect & choosing to be blind & not respect the measures put in place....is the most disrespectful thing in you can do...to the people you claim to love and who love you.... Because wearing mask && sanitizing isn't 100% proof .....This is all sooo very Sooo very new still....
People who passed wouldn't wish you to die as they fought themselves so hard not to ........ Without being able to succeed.......How horrible of a descion to then put Soo many people close together to view & say goodbye to the one that would give anything to the one that would give anything to make sure you all listened and did as you were told!!!" RESPECTFULLY!!!" Do it for the Dead...The souls now lost.. the stories who came to an end.. Over a freaking virus ....It's so frustting...So you can party && do you as you will... That's the most selfish thing I'll never understand.... People are so clueless to why the reason of each descions they put into place are there for.....&& that's just so niece...
There's Soo many of the the best....The world's top knotch specialists.....With years upon years backing all the knowledge they bring && studies following every viruses known & so much other stuff we can't even imagine because we are not in that field....&& studied or seen what they have seen!!!!" They are fighting for OUR safety!!" For OUR lives .....
These people are not Not the enemies, not even a little bit....There hero's in my eyes because they want to save souls, that others are so easily and willing to toss away...In a sense disregard.... Because if that statement I just made wasn't true!!" There would be more understanding and less protesting........They are the ones who are literally fighting YOU.....to save YOUR friends and relatives...
because your protesting against a flu...
please sit and think about how foolish you are Being..... Your truly being as dumb as a joke in the wall...No mind...
No brain cells.!!" Covid isn't planning on leaving the party early.....Are you??"
RSVP ........That's a guarantee no from me.... That's a guarantee no from me....I have true love and I care about others lives && my family && friend s
mean to me then any gathering.....No death will be leading me blindly....I'm not ending it now o have so much more to live for.....
#LetsDoThisTogeather #c.ovid19 #coronavirus #maskup #maskon #fluordeath #couchorgrave
0r GRAVE #teamcouch

© SabrinaMarie