

"However Long The Night, The Dawn Will Break
"However long the night, the dawn will break."

This African proverb carries significant meaning. If everyone understood this simple truth, they wouldn't let themselves be overwhelmed by depression or contemplate suicide in times of despair and hardship.

Many people today are restless because they face life challenges that were destined even before their birth. Unable to cope, they turn to drugs and alcohol. But will these substances eliminate their problems? No, they only harm their health and add more issues to their lives.

The Quran states, "Verily, with hardship comes ease" (Surah Ash-Sharh [94:6]). Similarly, Romans 8:18 in the Bible says, "For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is going to be revealed to us."

Both scriptures affirm that we will face hardships, but through time, prayer, patience, and perseverance, we will overcome and find relief and happiness.

My dear brethren, remember that just as the night eventually gives way to day, your hardships will also pass, and relief and happiness will follow.

© Oluwaninshola