

Love is blind
This short story that will swim into it
Indicated love is like dozing then an expectation may fall in love by hook or crook no matter how you will be into it. Love is Blind

Lina: Hi how are you. may I see John?
Friend's John: Hy hmm Ok! But John Is Busy you Can Banish Bebe!
John: What do you Want for me?
Lina: oh! No! Come on John please
Friends' John [laughing] "loudly "
Lina: [smiles] there are many things that I want to tell you but I am afraid really! That is why I called you
John: [groan angrily] Woh! You used to Play always you need to go and play with your cheerful friends [leaved boredly]
Lina: [wrinkled her face and go] swaggeringly!
Friends' john: [all their eyes on her] invaluable!
Grandma's John: [dozing on the chair] speaking secretly! I don't believe the oldest man without marriage to live with me [saying] repeatedly!
John: [came in and whistle] what are you saying. grandy!
Grandma: [woke up] terrifyingly John" what time did you came in.
John: [ went into the bedroom] silently
Grandma: [chart alone] voiceless!
John: [out] grandy! I will go! but I will come back very "soon"
Grandma: [looking] frowningly! If you do not come back until I sleep I won't open you even window.
John: [out] quickly!
Parent's lina: [Sent her buy some foods in the street]
Lina: [lina on the favement waiting a bus] Wait! Wait! Wait!
John:[john met lina on the favement] passed away like he never see her but still turned backed briskly lina so happy and took her in his back.
Lina: [held his back underwear] in thinking!!
John: [resonated] in happiness!!
Lina: do you want to hear my beautiful story?
John: of course! really I need!
Lina: there was a beautiful damsel. Therefore she falls in love but she think he love her or not. Give me answer how the queen beautiful girl should do?
John: that is very simple just she tell him what really in her heart.
Lina: ((I Love you)) [her eyes showing glad lovely]
John: [stopped driving Surprisingly And smirking drip the motorbike And stoot lovely] ((I Love you too))
Lina: [Astonishingly thought how the express love became Easier in his mouth instead he doesn't love me]
John: I know you will surprise. but is not when I took you on my bike I started feel somethings that I will never ever feel in my body. Please do you really love me like I love you too.
Lina: Ah! But there is little bit think that I will beg you.
John: tell me everything you want I promise.
Lina: there is bad habit that people didn't like which became your blood just my mean you to be good man not bad.
John: I promised you from now on I will be what you said and my need about you to believe to be my wife for life.
Lina: I believed

Written by Sunusi Suleiman