

It was eleven o'clock. Reena opened the door without making a sound, cutting the call on the mobile phone that rang. Looking at the next room, he made sure that daughter was sleeping again and walked towards the kitchen. When he opened the door, he saw Manu waiting impatiently outside. He went inside and closed the door and both of them went to Reena's room. In between, Reena was looking at her daughter's room several times. It is waiting for tomorrow, desire is fulfilled today. For the mind and more thirst for the body.
Two years after her husband's death, she couldn't turn away when her old lover came looking for her. He agreed even though he knew it was wrong when he insisted a lot. Can't turn back anymore. Everything has gone too far now.
Sitting with him on the bed. He willingly held her and licked the honey from his lips and laid her on the bed. She hugged him close to her body, the passion of anticipation, of desire. Both of them fought and took off their clothes. Warmed up by repeated words and kisses, they longed to be one with each other. She clung to him like a withered lotus stalk.
In the midst of Rati's silakaram, in despair, Manu pushed her away from his body. An amused Reena looked at him with a "what" meaning. Without saying anything, Manu looked at her, holding his chest with one hand. The eyes are averted. A hand clutched her arm painfully and her legs were propped up on the bed. He started sweating. Nerves are getting tired. His heart burst and his movement ceased with a convulsion. Life is gone.
Manu took his last breath in half an hour in front of Reena. Unable to call anyone or take him to the hospital, she watched his last convulsions. Reena ensured Manu's death. Until then she was angry and even forgot that she was naked. She thought about her more than his death. Everyone knows the relationship between Manu and her. Daughter will despise and hate her mother. Society will isolate and blame. I know it's wrong. But the mistake cannot be seen until it is caught. Time to catch Reena. Called to say that it was wrong. The locals will stone this sinner for this first mistake.
A situation where you can't call or ask anyone for help. No matter who you call, find out through them. What can be done now? If his body is taken somewhere and disposed of…. ?
What if the slab of the septic tank is inserted into it….. ? Take it outside and burn it... ?
Satan's help in thoughts from lust to destruction. The decision that finally came to her mind was to end herself. My life is ending with Manu. After death, no matter what anyone says.
"Who will look after me if I am gone? Won't she be lonely? Will she not become an orphan without father and mother? Won't my mistakes hurt her sarcastically. Even if he dies, his happiness will be gone. Lord, what shall I do?
The mobile phone rang. Reena opened her eyes from sleep and took out her mobile phone and cut the call. Manu is calling. Reena got up from the room and went to her daughter and lay close to her. The mobile phone rang again. Holding Molly with one hand, he switched off the mobile phone in the other hand and threw it away.
“Wrongs are okay until caught. Many lives could be lost in this mistake if caught
© asha_അക്ഷരങ്ങളെ_പ്രണയിച്ചവൾ