

Fucking Love Kills - Part 9 (Final Death)
The end is here, for both the story and to their lives.....

Meh,'How many months more ?'

Dr. Mehta,' One or two..'

Meh,' Why didn't he tell me before?'

Dr. Mehta,' He didn't wanted you to freak out. He knew you would be petrified after hearing this and that would be more harmful for you and moreover the death of your sister was already too much for you.'

Meh looks at it again. 'Pulmonary Fibrosis' big and clear making it more horrifying. She sighs.

Dr. Mehta,' What did he say after you found this ?'

Meh,' To be honest I didn't see him for the last seven or eight hours. We had a little disagreement and then he went back to his room. I was busy with the chores when I found this. He just texted me from his room asking for forgiveness which I of course did but...'

Dr. Mehta,' Go home right now. Spend you rest of the little life that you have with him. He was very depressed after this. He has become very vulnerable for you and might do anything.'.

Meh leaves the cabin immediately. On the way thinking of what to do.

Suddenly she spots a restaurant. It was Roy's favourite. She stopped and went inside. She came out with warmly packed momos. Roy always had momos when he was sad.

She tells to herself,' Only two months. That's not much. Maybe since I have to die so why not arrange a date. It will also enhance the mood for both of us and also we might get a moment....'.

She tries to imagine herself with Roy enjoying their precious moment. Then she wakes up from her day dream to find out that she has reached home.

She tries to be as calm and happy as possible. She wants to spend her last few moments happily with Roy. She opened the door and called out for him. There was no answer from him.

Meh loudly,' Looks like you are still angry on me. I forgive you, please come out. I have brought your favo...,
She opened the bedroom door,' Rooyyyy.......' she shouted. From the fan his body was hanging. Lifeless and pale and cold and dead.

Two months later,

Meh was lying on her death bed. Her mother was sitting beside her. She was holding a piece of paper in her hand.

Meh,' What is it ? Your new will ?'

Mother,' No. A letter from Roy.'

Meh,' What !?'

Mother,' I was packing all your stuffs the other day and then I found this in your diary. He wrote it before dying, I guess. You want me to read it ?'

Meh,' No. It time to go, go back to him. We have stayed too much of time apart from each other. Finally I will meet him. I can't wait anymore. I will also meet Rose. Oh, how nice it will be to have everyone back.'

Her mother started weeping.

Meh,' I will miss you a lot.'

Mother,' Don't worry, I will come to meet you soon.'

Meh,' I know yoo..uu. wii...'

She started to fiddle in need for oxygen. All the machines started beeping. The doctor and the nurse came in and checked everything. The beeping had stopped.

The doctor slowly pulled away the oxygen mask from Meh's face.
Doctor,' I am sorry ma'am.' and he pulled over the white sheet.

Her mother tucked the letter folded in her hands before placing her inside the Earth forever. She knew she would read it on her way up.
" I could never told you about your disease for I didn't want you to be tensed. This day had to come. I couldn never see you dying in front of me. That would be more painful than this rope chocking my wind pipe. We will meet again where we are suppose to. It will just be few months sooner or later. I know you will not be able to bear this but since death is bound to come so early to you so I thought why not do it in a easy way instead of me shouting and crying for you. Guess what, Love doesn't always end in happiness on Earth. Sometimes it kills to bring us together.
See you soon...."

© bluetech