

Planet X Chapter Four
Eric was in a lot of pain and bleeding badly. He kept calling for Scott, but no one seemed to be listening.
"Please get Scott...P...Lease..."
"Calm down sir it's going to be alright." Eric began to cry.
"Please get him. Please..."
"Its okay sir. What's your name?"
"Okay Eric. Just relax alright. We're going to try and help you okay? Now I need you to push when I say alright?" Eric lifted his head up quicky.
"N..no...its...t..to early...!"
"You have to Eric."
"No please... I can't..."
"Nurse please keep him calm."
"Eric..." Said the nurse. "Please do what the doctor says okay. It's going to be alright."
"I...I can't...no....please...I can't..."
"Give me your hand dear." Eric grabbed the nurse's hand tightly.
"Alright Eric. I need you to push now okay."
Eric reluctantly pushed as hard as he could. And finally the baby was born. But it did not cry. The doctor looked up at the nurse with a sad expression and shook his head slightly.
"I'm sorry." He said to Eric.
Eric wasn't listening. He was growing weak and losing blood fast. Soon he lost consciousness.
Scott and Emily waited patiently for the doctor. Emily had fallen asleep while waiting, but Scott couldn't sleep. He was too worried. As the hours passed he became more worried. Finally the doctor came out. Scott walked over to him.
"Are you Mr. Eastman?"
"Yes I am. Is Eric alright?"
"There were some complications..."
"Please just tell me if he's alright!"
"He's doing fine. He's a little weak and resting in recovery right now." Scott sighed in relief.
"But, as I said, there were some complications. He blead out a lot and lost a lot of blood, but we got the bleeding under control, but the bad news is..." Scott knew what he was going to say, but he let him say it anyway.
"As a result of the trauma done to him the baby was born dead. I'm really sorry Mr. Eastman." Scott nodded with a sad expression. Emily had woken a moment before and had heard what the doctor had said. Tears welt up in her eyes as she put her hands over her nose and mouth. She weapped uncontrollably, huging Scott tightly. He held her close to him.
"Can we see him?" Asked Scott.
"Of course come this way. But I don't want him to get too excited." Stated the doctor leading them down the long hallway to the recovery room.
© Elizabeth Harris