

Crazy Roommates, Se2 Ep3 They Both Buy A Couch Scene 3
Show Danny getting ready to leave and exit the apartment locking the door behind him. He walks past five doors then enters a door on the right that opens into a room full of exercise equipment. Show TJ with only sports shorts on doing situps on a bar. He stops hangs down and stares at Danny.
"Ok TJ time to stop monkeying around and head to the furniture store."
Show TJ lower himself down and grab his towel.
"Last chance to buy new."
"Price TJ we're not rich."
"I thought our friendship made us rich enough?" Have Danny look at him trying immensely to stay stern but ultimately failing as a smile cracked across his face.
"Let's just go and get this done and over with please."
After TJ grabbed they left the gym.
Show them pull up to this furniture store in TJs red Chevy.
Show Danny and a store personnel carrying a red couch out of the store as TJ walked ahead of them to access the bed of the truck.
"Please dont dent my truck you guys."
"If you're so worried about it why didn't you help carry it yourself."
"And touch that filthy thing. Fuck no!!"
They carry the couch onto the truck and sat it down.
Show them carrying the couch into the apartment TJ wearing yellow rubber gloves.
"Let's sit it exactly where our old couch was. NOT CROOKED!!"
They sat it down and both stepped back and looked at it.
"Pretty sweet T. And cheap!"
"Dont sit on it until tomorrow. Dont want your ass to sit on that filthy couch then touch every other peice of furniture in this apartment."
"That's cool. I just want to take a shower and get some sleep iv been up since 5."
"Ok you work tomorrow correct? I can clean it while your gone?"
"Yeah that will work."
"Sweet goodnight my man. And see you tomorrow after work."
"Yup see ya tomorrow."
Screen goes black
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