

The mysterious traveler
Ahhh! how did you find me?
Are you coming to take me back to that animal of a father I have? Why are you
just staring at me?! Answer you fool.. If you my father you know who I am then.. Bow, I demand you bow you fool. Can't you recognize your prince?

Wait, I was rash.. Sorry seems like me you want to escape from the dark baron lands? You come from a differnt land.. My apologies, I am terribly sorry. I hope you are not like my people. They mock me as a prince. Even after I left some has found me and I had to end their lives.. I am not worthy all of those ungreatful people said.. I made them happy and tried to find them peace.. They just spat it in my face..

I left and gave up my throne, I deserve much more than that. The throne has no use to me anyways. I have found my true happiness. I thought I lost my freedom... When I saw you and you kept on following me.. Tell me who are you and where you hail from..

Tsk! Nevermind I am wasting my time I don't need the detail.. I need to get away.. I need to bandage myself I am bleeding.. That goblin got me good yesterday in the brawl...

What is it you say? You heard about my adventures and wish to know more about them.. Agh, I probably guess so, you seem harmless. We have to go hide in the dark oak forest, quick.. I just wish my previous travel companion haven't told you where to find me...

How... how much did you pay him to find me? 10 gems? maybe 20? What does it matter I am stuck with you now.. If you know what is good for you let's make haste for that tree there in the distance we have to climb it out.. I hate this market place.. It is always so busy.. Come on hurry up.. I just need some bandages.

Watch out! You have to run go.. Run run I will see you soon..

© The cube said it