

terror in the dark woods
I was afraid of the dark and the wild beats but I dared not go home with out to my father without the cows so I ran through the woods hunting and calling all the time the shadows were getting thicker and darker and the woods seemed larger and the trees and bushes looked strange I could not find the cows anywhere I climbed up the hills looking for them and calling and I went down into the dark ravines calling and looking I stopped and listened to the cowbells and there was not a sound but the rustling of leaves then I heard loud breathing and thought ba panther was there in the dark behind me but it was only my own breathing my bare legs were snatched by the briars and when I ran through the bunches their branches stuck me but I kept on looking and calling sukey sukey sukey I shouted with all my might sukey right over my head something asked who my hair stood straight on end who who the voice said again and then how I did run I forgot all about the cows all I wanted was to get out of the woods to get home the thing in the dark came after me and called again whooo I ran with all my might I ran till I couldn't breathe and still kept running something grabbed my foot and down I went up I jumped and then I ran not even a wolf could have cought me at last I came out of the dark woods by bran there stood all the cows wanting to be let through the bars I let them in and ran to the house