

⌚The Guardian's Of Time 🪬
Running through walls away from the demon who is chasing me. I caught my breath and looked left and right. I was stuck! I heard it peeling through the walls I left clean and fresh when I ran through them. I finally reached outside by running through a couple more walls. Now the demon was stuck inside the lab. I ran into the forest in shock with cuts all over me. I got half way into the heart of the forest. I heard it kick the wall so hard it exploded. Oh my God it has my scent. I looked at my watch 92% almost fully charged! I said to myself think think what to do... Shit.. I heard it running at full speed towards me. As it didn't see me yet. It had an idea of the direction I was in, due to my scent. Why did I come here by myself to do this mission? I succeeded but at what cost? I felt inside my coat and their were 3 glowing rocks I got from the lab. The watcher of the lab was a creature that was relentless and would not stop till it got it back. I climbed into a tree and checked the watch 99% ok perfect! I was so ready to leave the future. It saw me climbing the tree and was less than a football field away. I frantically looked at it again 100% yes! I yelled! Pressed the button. A glow traced out my body and soon my whole body was glowing. The light got brighter and brighter! I just looked at the creature running up the tree. Right as it was about to grab my shoe off my foot I winked and blew a kiss. I became a ball of light and shot up in the sky and then disappeared. As I transcended into the jumping lobby as we call it. Felt like I was on a train of pure light going through different timelines and dimentions. It took half an hour to get to my timeline. So I kicked back and put my hands behind my head and took a deep breath. Turned some tunes on and knocked out. I felt this adrenaline as it woke me up. I knew I was jumping into my timeline. It was 2am in an old park off miller street. A beam of light appeared out of nowhere and hit the ground and like a cracked egg I came spilling out of the light and as soon as I was there the light was gone. I looked at my watch. 'Jump complete' I looked down, not even a dent in the ground below. I'm getting good at this. My first time I crashed into a skyscraper like a comet from the top and blew the ceiling off and went down into the parking garage. Totaling the whole building 60 stories and all. It was just about to be re opened after re modeling. So no one was hurt. But all fun and games aside I got the radioactive rocks. My girlfriend has a watch just like mine. Each person who gets one, gets a special power. Mine, I'm translucent. I can become see through and go through walls. Hers is reading the room's minds. Not just one person at a time and she's able to gather everything and comprehend everything she heard and never forgets it. Her first time was at a concert after getting her watch and she heard everyone's thoughts all at once screaming at her! 2,000 people yelling at her it felt like all at once. It Took a while to go into a crowd and learn from everybody in less than a second then give information at a moments notice. We met under the program, 'The guardians of time.' We see what you shall never see or touch. For we create a better universe for all. A team of 100 of us going through time changing things as Subtle as we can. Chosen by our leader who lives in the mist and only his voice is what we get a taste, through his dimension. For he is not human, but only wants the best for everyone and everything that lives under time.

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