

breaking free
I can't help but wonder how I ended up here or why. Time is something we cannot change or get back no matter how much or hard we try. I'm not the one to dwell on the past or have regrets but I sometimes wonder "what if", "what would have been"...
I keep telling myself these days that things will get better with time, but what if they don't? what if I feel this shitty forever? am I supposed to keep having hope when nothing is changing? then again who am I to complain when I have had good days too.
it is like a declaration of war to myself to fight my hardest till I free myself from all shackles of self doubt and self destruction. this is me preventing myself from sinking lower and deeper into low self esteem to a point of no recognition. I'm just a 26 year old housewife with loads of dreams, but I have put my life on hold so much to let me achieve them.
But then I'm glad I'm taking these baby steps once again to self recovery...
© ogechukwu