

Theory of Scientific Communism
Political economy is closely connected with the third constituent part of Marxism - the teaching on communism . Political economy shows that in the machine stage of its history capitalism develops social production which no longer corresponds to the private mode of appropriating the products . Capitalism is outliving itself and is gradually becoming a hindrance to social development , as did the slave and feudal systems in their time . Capitalism has to be replaced by a communist system which corresponds to the social nature of production .

On the basis of their analysis of capitalist society Marx and Engels discovered that building a new society is primarily in the interests of the proletariat which must , in one way or another , depending on concrete historical condi tions , overthrow the rule of the bourgeoisie and establish a dictatorship of the proletariat . With the aid of the dictator ship of the proletariat the working class will replace the private form of ownership of the means of production by a social form of ownership and , with the support of the broad masses of working people , will gradually build a communist society . The true history of mankind will begin precisely with the building of a communist society because only then will man be able completely to satisfy his material and spiritual needs . In communist society all people will be harmoniously developed and the differences between mental and manual labour , between town and country , etc. , will be eliminated .

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