

Just like how we have the bladder that stores the content it is made for,we also have walls,those invisible walls that serves as a shield for our tears which only our emotions can break through.
A weak heart,a fragile mind, uncontrollable emotions disrupting the thoughts....a little strike and it bursts open,are you someone like that? You try to hide those tears in pain and with so much efforts but then-just a tap and it pours out.
One thing everyone should know is that those who do you wrong do not!,I repeat,do not! deserve or worth your tears. My tears are like a jewel to me....and it only flows at the feet of my Lord and before those who love me.
Note: Sometimes,loving people too much makes it hard to see if our love is truly reciprocated. In some cases,we spend our time loving those who only sees us pawns,a tool to be used and disposed of. You can love but don't be blinded by it.
Anyway,no one is perfect although we try to walk towards perfection. At times,you won't be able to suppress those tears-but do just one thing;look up to the sky,see hope,breathe the breath of love and feel the breeze of peace upon your face. You will notice those tears threatening to fall,respecting your will and drying up.
Don't break down, don't falter...be strong.

© Anonymous A. All rights reserved.
