

The Motel
The Motel

They wanted to witness some paranormal activity at Bhangarh Fort . But something different was written in their fate.

Now , they planned that they would go by Alisha's car to visit the fort . Simi , Alisha's younger sister also joined their trip . Next day, in the early morning they started their car journey .
" Hey Alisha have you ever visited kuldhara village ? I have heard it's a cursed village and many spooky incidents have been observed . After Bhangarh we will go there too ", said Darshna curiously .
" Are you mad ? That place is really haunted and at my home nobody ever talks about it . Even I was not allowed to visit Bhangarh . I have lied to my parents that we are going to Alwar fort ", said Alisha.
"Okay coward girl . We won't go there . Look forward otherwise we might have an accident ", said Darshna taunting her friend.
"Has anyone heard about the mysterious death of India's paranormal expert Gaurav tiwary ?", asked Shreya . "Yes , I read this news . It was really shocking ", added Darshna .
"Guys talk something different. It's getting negative here ", said Simi . Simi believed that spirits don't exist, rather some negative energy is present which makes us believe that ghosts are real .
"Okay , we will not talk about spirits ", said Darshna .

The sun was setting in the west and the darkness overpowered light.

"Simi book a hotel nearby . It's getting dark and we should have some rest ", said Alisha.
Simi took out her phone and started searching for hotels . While going through the list of hotels one caught her attention. It had a peculiar beauty which captivated Simi and she quickly booked a room .

To be continued ....

P.C.- rightful owner