

Win or Lose
No technology or weather related company would ever admit that their experiment went sideways which caused our world to go into this weathering tundra of destruction.

The north and south poles now try to switch places only to confirm the "in's and out's" of the Seasons - the bible speaks about.

Either way Earth and its residents are in for a hell of a ride. Although I would call this the roller coaster weathering destruction events that was and is caused by mankind.

Every failed experiment, every time we sent something through space and each time we caused our ozone layer to weaken through the chemicals of progression used for humanity growth.

Mankind wishes to travel the skies placing all of their efforts to ensure that they succeed no matter the consequences that follow.

Sure, traveling the universe is important from researching the unknown to finding new earth-like planets to counting every star to seeing what's on the inside of a blackhole.

All of these things are exciting, interesting, and worthy of our investigation but not to the point of earth's destruction to find out.

Right now it might be too late to fix what we have done. We simply don't know how to fix our dying world.

From the help of our future selves we know the Earth does make it into the 2700 century and it's because of an destructive event mankind creates in 2023 in which, we haven't stopped.

So, will mankind be successful at destroying our planet, in the future?

Time will tell.

Will it be too late to learn from our failed experiments?

The only way to truthfully answer this is Earth must survive mankind's 2023 destructive events, other than that - only time will tell if we all live or die on this dying planet which we created.

© V's Says