

SHACKLES chapter 2
The girl next door

She was nursing an injury on that arm just this morning. Ouch

I wonder what she did to the bimbo.

Meh.. don't interfere Ethan, mind your own business... Like how to get to your class

I started to walk away. When she screamed again.

And again.

Each one louder than the other.

Okay I'm not that heartless.

I'm gonna be a hero.

"What did she do to you" I asked with a low voice, I'm pretty impressed with how it came out. I knew it would have an effect, especially on the ladies.

Everybody stopped whispering and turned to me.

Oh great. More attention.

The girl in question looked up for a split second And met my gaze. She had blue.... Or was it green eyes. She immediately looked back to the floor.

While the Bimbo. Kept staring at me with those eyes that twinkled with mischief.

Oh.....Kay...... what did I get myself into.

"Hey your the new guy" she purred. Literally.

She turned completely to me with her minions mirroring her expression. The girl now long forgotten.

Mission accomplished!

"I'm Melanie"

Did she just wink at me.

Oh the horror!!!!

She did!.

"Come on hottie. I'll show you around" she grabs my arm pulling it.

I just went along with her. She's weird and.... Eek I'm already disgusted by the eyes she's giving me.

You're doing this for the girl Ethan. You have faced worse than this, come on you can do this.

Before we went round a corner, I sent one last glance the-neighbour girl,who was still staring at the floor.



I couldn't get much sleep last night. The pain was unbearable or more like uncomfortable.

Now it hurt even more, Thanks to Melanie.
Thank God that guy.... What's his name interfered.... I was gonna cry

Ugh. This History class can't get any more boring. Seriously.
Maybe I should just lie down a bit and..

Anabella........ Anabella.....

"You worthless child you caused your parents death"

"Where am I?"

It was dark. I couldn't even see my fingers. It felt like I was floating in space.

Suddenly it was bright again.

I could see who was speaking it was the man who killed my dad. I couldn't see his face, I don't even remember it. But one thing I would never forget are those dead grey eyes.

His lifeless gray irises expanded until they were the only things I could see.

"You should have never been born"


"Don't you see you made your parents die. You killed them you couldn't just be a good child and obey, now could you?".

Suddenly I was moving....through air

I saw eleven year old me With my parents. They were talking but I couldn't hear them.

"Mum! Dad!" I screamed. Louder and louder.

Over and over again.

It was no use. They couldn't hear me.

But one sentence I did hear

"We are moving!? ..... again" I heard eleven year old me say.

And it echoed and echoed.

"No! Shut up and move ". I tried to tell her..... No use.

I watched them silently argue. I tried move. But I couldn't move my legs. They seemed to be glued to the ground.

The door opened. The men came in.

I watched and screamed helplessly as they killed my dad all over again. But again they didn't seem to notice me

"Noooooooooo!!! Dad"


Tears were rushing uncontrollably now.

"Daaaaaaaaaaaad!!!!" I woke up with a scream to My History teacher standing in front of my desk, all the students had left.

I'm covered in sweat. And tears still running down my cheeks. I blink continuously, as my brain tries to calm down.

"It's okay dear it was a dream" my history teacher Mrs Williams assured.

"Can you tell me what it was about you seem shaken by it" she says while moving to touch my arm,

I move away from her touch quickly, shaking my head indicating no, a bit too eagerly if you ask me. But she didn't seem to mind at all.

Maybe she'll just let me go.

"No problem dear. I'll send a note to your next class's teacher. I suggest you meet the counselor. What's your next class"

Spoke too soon.

"AP Biology"


Should I really meet the counsellor?

She wouldn't know right?. Of course. She'll ask the counselor if she met me.

Oh no. Why?!...

I should just see her. What's the worst that could happen.

Twenty minutes later, after giving myself about a million pep talks.

I was now sitting in the counsellors office on one of the two chairs behind the table.

They are much more comfortable than those in class.

She sat behind her large leather chair brushing the shorter strands of her greying ebony hair into her tight bun, and then adjusting her black rimmed glasses, once satisfied, she picked up a piece of plane paper then turned to me.

"What's your name dear" the counselor, Miss Frederick asked

"Anabella Anderson"

"Okay Anabella can you tell me what is the problem. Your history teacher already sent me a note"

Snap. I knew it. Well here we go.

"Ummmm...... I usually have nightmares.."


"My past"

" Okay does this happen all the time"

" No.... Mostly if I think about it before falling asleep. Or if anything triggers the memory"

She nods taking some notes.

"Can you tell me about this past of yours"

I slowly shake my head no, avoiding her eyes.

"I understand. Do you have a diary?"

I shake my head no again.

"Well... since you have problems sharing it. Maybe you could write it down. Anytime it bothers you. Just pour your thoughts into the book. It helps. Here have this." She hands me a book with black leather cover.

"Thank you ma'am"

"Don't mention it. You'll come back if anything else happens. Yes?" She asks hopefully.

I don't think I'm ever coming back here. But I'm thankful she did not pressure me to tell her my past. So I settle for...

"Of course ma'am".

"Good. You are free to go"


After meeting my AP Biology teacher for the assignments and notes. I moved to my next class.


Mr Greg. The most strict and mean teacher of the school. Math comes naturally to me. But I do not like him. No one can blame me though. He gives detention for the weirdest reasons.


I slept for barely two hours last night. I'm so tired. Extremely tired.

But I didn't dare sleep in Mr Greg's class. I'd be dead.

I could barely keep my eyes open.

So I yawned.

And yawned......

And yawned....

"Excuse me Miss Anderson" Mr Greg called looking angry.

"Do you find my class bor...."

I couldn't help it.

I yawned

I opened my eyes to see Mr Greg now red in the face from anger.


I turned to the class. They were also all red. They were holding back laughter.

"Miss Anderson"

"Sir.......... *Yawn"

"Detention after school 2:30 till 4:00"

I widened my eyes in suprise.

And he..... Sweet cheese is he trying to smirk?

I widened my eyes again.

I can never unsee that.

Detention for yawning. Unbelievable. Who does that. Well. It's not the first time.

I opened

the door. Two other people I didn't recognize were there.

I just walked to the seat at the front. No one will bother me here.


Stupid teacher . Detention just because I sleep in class. You'd think they'd let it slide because it's my first day.


I look at my watch. Ten minutes down. Eighty more minutes to go.

Ten minutes two seconds down. Four thousand seven hundred and seventy eight more seconds to go.

Eleven minutes down.........


Wait someone just came in. Late for detention. Pfft. Lazy delinquents .

I turned to check who it is.

Just in time to see the door open.

Teaser; "Why did she react like that" I turn to her. Isn't that classified as over reacting ? She is still whimpering and making crying sounds in her unconscious state.

Next chapter records their longest conversation so far. Until next time y'all

Also... Please comment, You have no idea how much  I love reading them.

Peace ✌


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