

1) my dad! When I ask something to him, he never replies no! Instead he will tell, " I'll buy and give later... At last I will get it later. Meanwhile my mom and brother looks like villian when they team up😂😂

2) a perfect day?? Yeah! When I go back to school, see my friends, see my teachers.. talking to them... I missed school life!

3) favourite place?? What is my favourite place???
Yeah I got it ... My favourite place is my house, my room. Cause that is the only place that brings me peace! Happiness and a lot...
I used to study there. I used to make arts and crafts there, I used to write stories there ..
Hence, my favourite place is my room.

4) want to be a great writer ... I used to write stories a lot of time more than studying.. want to publish a lot of novels in the future and also become a collector..
I want to become a collector because I chose it when I was 2nd or 3rd standard... My mom and dad would be a lot proud of me if I did so.

5) Jackie Chan, I used to watch Jackie Chan cartoon when I was a kid.. I love that cartoon a lot.. I want him as my BFF.

6) i used to write stories on computer.. no one knows I write stories and gained 140+ followers in writco.. I might disappear whenever.
Also I used to search a lot of stuff when mom is not home. She will scold me if i make a mess around the house.

7) most people don't know I'm noticing what they are gossiping about me. But I notice and never ask them about that. I hate that a lot.

8) • I want my parents to agree my career (writer) I will become a collector for sure.. but I also want to be a writer...
• I want to be rich. I will not get my favourite stuff most of the times because of money. If I get money I would be able to buy whatever I want.
• I want my family to live eternity.

9) if I won $10,000, I would buy Tesla car when it releases in India. I would buy a big millionaire house. I would buy a lot of cloths. I would buy makeup sets..

10) the luckiest thing that ever happened to me is,
Last year July, my brother and father got covid positive. Luckily me and mom got covid negative. If I got positive, i would've been hospitalised for a couple of weeks. I hate hospitals..


Challenge accepted by @CHALLENGER @MINNE @MIINNE

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