

Lock of a Heart (S:2) (Chap:3)
"I would like to be prom King!" A low voice said in the crowd. The voice sounded unfamiliar.. And the voice was so low.. "Oh.. step right up mystery boy and Rena!" The lady yelled. Col looked confused.. "Go Rena its okay." Col laughed. I walking up the steps to the stage. I was so nervous.. I stood next to the podium waiting for the mystery boy to arrive. "And heres the mystery boy!" The lady yelled in excitement. I looked over at the boy. He was dressed in a white tuxedo, he had black hair and he looked a bit asian.. He looked at me with a smirk on his face. "Ugh.. This dude is sketchy.." I thought. A lady walked up to me and gave me the crown and gave the boy a crown too. "So exuse me mystery boy, whats your name!?" The lady asked. "My name is Yuji Senpai." The boy said. Hm.. so I guess he's from Japan. Yuji looked over at me. He lookes grumpy.. What a dork. "Have a great night, Rena and Yuji!" The lady screamed. as i walked down the steps Yuji was already off the stage. Finally i can go talk to Col. "Hello" A low voice said. "EEEP" I screamed. "hey hey, its okay Rena its me Yuji.. geez i didn't expect you to be so jumpy.." Yuji said. His voice was so low it got on my nerves, all i want to hear is Cols calming voice. I started to walk away from Yuji but he grabbed my hand. "Hey get off me!" I said. "Your really beautiful~" He said in a romantic voice. I looked at him with a straight face. "ugh.. im not looking for some fun right now.. I need to be somewhere right now." I said trying to persuad him to leave me alone. He was getting on my nerves and I wanted to leave so I can see Col.. "Hey, why would you have to go somewhere its a school prom, where else would you go?" He said with a smirk. "im with someone, okay im not looking for some weird creep following me around so if you'll exuse me." I said as i walked away. "UH, i- I'm.. creepy..?" He gasped with surprise. I giggled and walked away. Finally he's gone.. Time to fine Col! I went to go outide to see if he was in the parking lot and then i saw him in his car with his head on the wheel.. He looked.. sad. I walked over to him and open his car door. "C- Col? Are you alright?" I asked. He looked at me with his green eyes and started to tear up. "i- I'm sorry you have to see me like this.." He said as tears covered his cheeks. I nealed down and look at him. "I wanted you to be King, Col.." I whispered in his ear. "All I want.. is you to stay here with me.." I said as tears ran down my face. "Please.." I stared at the ground. Col stared at me and.. Kissed me.. He stopped and looked at my head and kissed me on the head. I blushed so hard. he looked over and said. "I should take you home.. My dad is probably furious.." I looked at him. "My mom welcomed you into our house, so you can stay as long as you want." I said. He looked at me and smiled. "I will be delighted!" He said with excitement. I rubbed the tears off his face and got in the car and thought.. Does this mean.. We are together..