

Chapter Nine
The pain was so bad he could bearly breath and he was on the verge of attacking her.

''Jess, Please!! Please kill me!''
'No Daniel. I'll think of something just hang in there.''

''Jess, I'll kill you if you don't me!''

She then had an ah'ha moment.

''Maybe you should.''


''Just pretend to kill me. Take a small amount.''

''I wouldn't be able to stop. I'll kill you for sure.''

''I trust you Daniel. You really need to learn to trust yourself. Come on Daniel. It's the only way out of here.''

Daniel knew she was right, but he also knew he could kill her. He began to tear up then lost control of his emotions and started to cry.

''Jess, I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!''

''Oh, Daniel, it's going to be alright.'' She said holding him to her.

''You won't hurt me. You can control this. I know you can.'' He looked up at her. His eyes turned light gray and he drew his fangs.

''This may hurt a bit.'' He whispered.

''It's alright.'' He sat up and sighed and put his hand to her cheek.

''I love you Jess.'' She smiled and closed her eyes. He slowly moved to her neck then bit down gently. Her blood tasted so good that he didn't want to let go, but he realized that if he didn't stop he could kill her. So he stopped and laid her down gently.

"Jess?" She said nothing. He thought he'd stopped in time, but he wasn't so sure.

"Oh God, Jess. I'm so sorry." The strange man returned, clapping his hands and smiling.

"Well done Detective. You just made your first kill." Daniel was horrified. He was so distraught that he was on the verge of a small panic attack.

"Jess? Aw come on love wake up."

She's dead Detective. And it's your fault.''

"Why are you doing this?"

"Because, it's fun. Now you can go.''

"What is it you want from me? Who are you''

"No one. But you'll know in time Detective. Just be patient." Daniel got up and walked out of the cell. But he did not leave. He waited for Jess to wake and then he'd surprise the man.

"Alright lovely. Wake up. I know you're faking." She opened her eyes and looked up at the man.

"You're pretty. I don't know weather I want to kill you or turn you." He grabbed her, but she struggled.

"Stop that! Or I will kill you!"

"Good luck with that." Stated Daniel, standing behind the man. Jess then stabbed the man with a small knife she always carried. The man jumped up.

"You can't kill me. Not with that little thing."

"No, but I can with this." Stated Daniel, stabbing him with a peice of wood through the heart. The man fell to the floor in a pool of blood.

"Touche, Detective. But, don't you want to know who I am?" Daniel grinned slightly and knelt down.

"I don't care." He whispered.

"You're mother's alive you know? She's the one that sent me." Daniel looked shocked.

"You're lying."

"She's not as good as you remember Detective. She's changed."

"You're a liar! She would never hurt others."

"Wouldn't she? I'm your brother Daniel." He said, just before dying. Daniel was in utter shock that he had forgotten where he was until Jess spoke.

"You have a brother." She stated. He shook his head.

"No. It's not possible. My mother is dead. He's a liar."

"What if he was telling the truth?"

"Than we've got a problem."

© Elizabeth Harris