

Local name:-Groundnut
Scientific name:-Arachis hypogea
Family:- Leguminoceae or fabaceae
scientific name Arachis hypogeae is derived from two Greek word Arachis means legumes and hypogeae means seed develop or grow below the ground level
groundnut is oil seed crop.it is king of oil seed crop.it's contain 45 to 50 percent oil.it is healthy for normal or heart patients.most of gujarat region use groundnut oil for cooking purpose.
groundnut extract oil in oil mill and remove cake.this cake also valuable .it's contain many nutrient like N,P,K.it is used for animal feed as well as manure or compost in farming.
groundnut after thresing it remove vegetative part from groundnut it's called halum. it also use for animal feed and compost purpose.
--groundnut seed is called kernel
--groundnut fruit type is pod
--seed rate is 100 kg per hacter
--fertilizer required 12.5,25,00 NPK kg per hacter
--groundnut most sensitive stage is pegging stage
after pegging formation do not occur tillage operation and weeding also.
water is required during seed formation,branching,flowering,pegging,pod formation etc .

most famous disease in groundnut is rust ,leaf spot,white fungi,nematode,wilting.
most famous insect in groundnut is white grub.
groundnut use as almond for cheap family because almond is very expensive than groundnut but both nutrient value is almost same so groundnut is called Poor's man almond

groundnut is heart of saurashtra
King of oil seed