

The Locket 📿
June 5th 1944

My gear was nicely tucked in the corner of my room. To be ready to go at a moment's time. I looked at the clock at 8:30pm. I threw my watch on the bed that I was tucked in, Thinking about tomorrow. My heart was racing and I reached down to feel if it was still in my chest and I grabbed the locket that had mom's favorite Bible verse Psalm 56:3–4 - When I am afraid, I put my trust in you. It kept me safe with all I've been through. I looked around at all the bunks filled with soldiers reading books kissing pictures of loved ones and some crying because fear was getting the best of them. The carriers were ready for our early start. I closed my eyes.. it felt like a blink and I had only gotten 20 minutes of sleep. I woke to horns and soldiers running around putting on their gear getting ready for the fight we had today. We all jumped into the carriers and we're pushed off to sea. The mission was to storm Omaha Beach and get our men to safety. As we were on the carriers I was in the back. Watching People in front of me that were throwing up from all the emotion that's gonna come next. A man with no expression on his face in the next carrier over waved at me as he was gripping his gun with all his might. I waved back then looked forward. It felt like forever being on this boat together. We heard a shout from the front line. 40 seconds! The man I was shoulderd next too started praying and saying the Lord's prayer, Over and over. I knew that this was not gonna be a pretty picture. The carriers in front of us hit sand. The big boom from the carrier doors dropped, gun fire started instantly and mowed down the front line of almost every ship. Soldiers started jumping out the side, getting shot in the water or suffocating because they thought they weren't gonna fall into deep water so close to shore. I watched a guy who couldn't get his gear off fast enough and drown. Bombs started going off as we sprinted for the big rusty barcades in the sand. I made it to a barcade and took cover. I watched men limping around looking for their other legs and other limbs from all the bombs. I saw guys' guts laid out on the beach as he was screaming I want my mom! It felt like we weren't gonna make it. I had 5 men behind me shaking for cover. I knew I had to run to where they were shooting and duck down. I threw a grenade and I sprinted with my 5 guys behind me. We made it to safety finally and took a back route into a building that was empty where we took a chance for a brief celebration. A week later we found a Jewish boy, the age of 6 that was hiding around my squad. We gave him chocolate and one of my guys spoke Hebrew. So he knew he could trust us. He started following us around. But that was when it all went wrong. The nights the Germans prevailed. We were eating dinner in a abandoned house. There was the rations we had from our M.R.E's. all in different spots of the house trying to get comfy. When we heard the backdoor open. Instant bullets flew through the living room. I saw the boy eating in the chair. I ran over and tipped it backwards and caught him. Looked for where to go and ran outside the front door. My guys killed the spy. But there was 10 more coming. I told my men to go! I took off my locket and put it on the boy. I said you don't know what this means but you will soon. I looked at the second in command. Keep him safe! Yes sir! I started walking back into the house. My second grabbed my arm and said it's been an honor and a privilege to be under your wing sir! Go with God! I smiled and just nodded my head. Then ran into the house. All of them were in there behind cover. so I took out a grenade and threw it in the air. Took out my pistol and shot the grenade before it hit the ground. It blew up half the house and I laughed. Good riddance krouts. I thought all were dead. I turned around to rejoin my squad. And was shot in the head by one man who was fresh and was not in the house yet when the bomb went off. I fell to my knees as a line of blood ran from my forehead down my nose and finally stopped at my lips I then fell to the ground. The little boy heard that gunshot and his shoulders went to his ears as he jumped. He looked down at the locket now that was around his neck, opened it and saw the verse. The man who spoke Hebrew translated it to him. 'Psalm 56:3–4 - When I am afraid, I put my trust in you' the little boy smiled and grasped the locket and stood there.. he didn't look back as he knew he had purpose to move forward in these dark times.

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