

Forced marriage turned out to my lucky marriage (part:9)
After keeping the food brought by Adrian in the kitchen, Luna goes to Adrian. And asked him, "Would you like to drink tea or coffee?"

Adrien ignored Luna's words and went straight to take a bath. Luna suddenly feels bad about Adrien ignoring her. She doesn't even realize it but Luna has started liking Adrien.

While Luna was returning, she saw some files and papers on Adrian's desk. She goes closer and takes the files. Seeing this, Luna's heart started beating. And tears started filling up in her eyes.

She cannot believe that Adrian has brought the divorce letter and has also kept it signed. Adrien came out of the shower and Luna ran up to him and asked, "What does all this mean??"

Adrien: What you saw is correct. I can't pretend to be in love with you anymore.( (He actually lies to Luna)
It would be better if you and I go our separate ways. So this divorce letter is a way to do that.

Luna: But why?? As far as I have seen and understood you, I know your feelings for me were true!

Adrian started laughing and said, "This shows how naive you are and how you trust people so casually!" But you made a mistake in understanding me Luna. I don't have any feelings for you. I did this marriage only on the insistence of my grandfather and not as per my wish.

That's why I want you to sign this paper too. After this you will be free from here.

As Adrian went to close the door of the room he said one more thing, "Oh yes! If you are wondering what you will answer to your mom and dad about this divorce... don't worry... I will take care of it all. ( (closes the door)

Luna still doesn't believe what Adrian says. She then starts thinking, why? Why is my life like this? The person I loved first also left me... And I thought I can live happily with Adrian, now Adrian has also decided to leave me.

She sits down on her feet and starts crying. Adrian hears Luna crying in the outside room, which makes him sad too and he starts crying with his head against the door.

To be continued

© siyu_story