

An unexpected guest ( part 5)
As the days passed and it was finally sara's birthday and she invited me ...

over there I met him again , he told me that his name was Alan.

Just after her birthday , the next night , I heard footsteps . there was a rustling sound coming from the living room . Rats? the sound stopped and I made a mental note to call and exterminator the next day . I got up to get some water from the kitchen....

As I left my bedroom my eyes adjusted to the darkness. As I walked into the narrow hallway , I stopped in my tracks . something was standing at the end of the hallway . It was a dark figure . My heart started to pound . Then the figure quickly moved away from the entrance .My hand scrambled to turn the lights . I walked into the living room expecting to catch the intruder . There was no one . I looked everywhere .

I didn't have much furniture and there weren't too many places the intruder could hide . The fact was no one was in the house . what was going on in my house? I wasn't dreaming or hallucinating . I know I saw a dark figure of a man .......

( to be continued)

© Veena Rhejesh