

Night Alone
She is beautiful.
She is from South country.
She came to North country.
She knows only South language.
She is shy kind of person.
Her husband is an army officer.
She is staying at Army Gaurded Quarter.

She calls her mom weekly.
This new Monday, her husband went for night duty.
She was alone.
She was sleeping lazy, after a heavy non veg food.

Night 12 she heard a knock.
She heard a knock at the door.
She didn't mind that Knock.
She didn't mind that Knock since She was staying in Gaurded Army Quarter.
She goes for night teeth brushing.
She looks at the mirror, she hears the knock on door again.
She comes to the door, she looks at the clock on the top of the door, it was 12 past 30.

She peeps through the key hole.
She finds none.
She was about to return to bed, there she hears a tuk tuk tuk .

She opens the door.
Gaaaaa. Eyaaaaa. stick in her hand dashed at the black statue like thing.
Dtaaa, Daaaaa, this was another blow by the stick, south country style, full of non veg strength.
Oh my goooood. cried the statue like person.
The black statue like person jumps into her room.
(All neighbours gather here after hearing the cry.)
She recognized this north country woman, she was HER husband's officer's wife.
Who gave you the stick.
My husband gave me madam.
Sorry madam.
What sorry we're just pranking.
Okay mam next Time tell me before you prank.
Everyone started laughing.