

Three ladies sit in a circle wearing pjamas, pillow fighting,and telling of sorts of gossip.

A girl named Gerta,who hosts the sleepover meets her mom to refill the snacks for her and friends.

Gerta notices a book with the drawing of a fairy on it.

“ did you get that book from the library?" Gerta asks, pointing at the book.

“ Um...no,it's my mother's book,it's very dangerous in the wrong hands.” Gertas mom said with a serious face.

“ you say that like it's magic” Gerta scoffs as she carries the bowl of chips.

“ honey please... I'm about to step out could you please drop this book in my room and do not open it.!” her mom instructed.

“ consider it done. And besides,if the book belongs to you it's definitely boring." Gerta said with a smile then she left.

With a sigh and a worried look, Gerta's mom quickly runs outside to attend to an emergency at her work place.

Meanwhile Gerta takes the book to her room. She drops the book beside her and presents the bowl of chips in front of her friends.

Like a hungry lion they devour the chip before them. Soon enough one of the girls noticed the book and asked Gerta about it.

“ it belongs to my mother. I'm actually supposed to take this room,gahh I forgot!" Gerta exclaimed.

“ can I take a look?" her friend asks.

“ um...sure.” Gerta responds as she passes the book to her friend.

“ this looks like a fantasy novel." her Friend says as she opens the book.

“ there's something like a warning here." The friend said.

“ what is it?" Gerta asks with a confused look.

“ it says: Unless you have enough will power do not open this book.It is a powerful book that traps anyone who dares to read it in their own fantasy desires.” her friend read.

“ maybe it's just part of the story." Gerta scoffed.

Her friend opened the second of the book and after some seconds the page began to glow. She tried looking away but she was already drawn in by the little dancing of her fantasies in front of her.

Unconsciously she lifts a finger and touches the image before her...and like a flash,she disappeared..with no trace of where she went

© Authorking