

Specialist In Conflict (Ch. 3)
Nate's POV:

I stared at the profile of the girl I will be spying on, Mrs Herpes had send me a background story which isn't impressive but just one paragraph of prattles. How typical, seems like the girl and her father has no life of experience.

Midget Michaud... Her name and surname is no suitable for CSA. I wonder why she is to join my team. Judging by her face, she looks like a prisoner to me and that bothers me a lot. I reached for my phone and dialed Zayne's numbers. In about a ring, he answered the call.

"CSA Agent A90 speak-----"

"Blah blah blah Zayne..." I murmured in annoyance.

"why the hell are you calling me with a private number, Nate?"

I rolled my eyes, "I need to know something about this girl... Midget."
I said, ignoring his question.

He heaved a sigh of annoyance. I am guessing he has his fingers on his forehead. The habit I know he has and had always done it if I talk to him.

"What is that you're confused about her?"

I stared at her picture once again, she is damn scowling at me. "The way she's looking at me." I snapped without thinking.


"Was she ever a prisoner?"

There was silence in the other line.

"Hello Zayne??"

"Is that why you call me?---to ask if she was ever a prisoner?"

"Just answer the damn question Zayne."

"No dude."

"What do you mean no?"

"She was never a prisoner okay Nate? Cut the curiosity. I thought you read her background."

I scrolled down on the screen, and a sentence grabbed my attention...

She has been thrown in jail for fighting the crooks....

"She has been in jail several time for fighting crooks?" I asked in amazement. "And why should we bring such a girl to be an agent. That's ironic. We take people to jail and yet we are bringing a jailer-addict to the agency, isn't that just so ironic? I can believe you agreed to this Zayne."

There was a swift movement at the other line, indicating he stood up from his seat. "Your complaints won't help with anything... " there was a pause and I heard someone barging in his office and said something to him.

"OK... I will do." He said to whoever. "Nate, where are you at?"

"Why? You never cared where I am." My brows narrowed.

"Answer the damn question... This is serious."

"And I am serious. I ain't telling you where I----" instantly gun shots erupted in my room through the windows, bullet by bullet. "Shit!!" I fall to the floor and hid behind my bookcase as the foes kept shooting.

"What the hell!" I shouted over the phone.

"Get mother out of there now!" 

The call ended.

What the heck... I opened my cabinet and pulled out my handgun. I have no idea how the bullets headed into my room, someone must be on a Skyscraper. I sprung out of my room, the house was stilled. Dang it, my mom should have screamed after hearing those gunshots so this means... Oh no, they have her!

I hold on to my gun, and raced down the spiral staircase. The atmosphere hanging in tranquility. Arriving in the living room, nothing was touched, and instantly a gun shot resounded, causing a bullet to ricochet to a wall next to me. Before I raised my hand to pull the trigger towards the man who shot, a feel of gun point behind my head.

"Drop the gun." A male's throaty voice cite.

I gradually bend down to plant the gun on the marble floor. I looked at the man sideways and took a glimpse of his clothes. He was in a dark blue jackets and jeans and glancing down to his shoes I noticed he is the unknown man.

Without a second thought, I threw the gun down and instantly span around grabbing the man's hand causing his gun to join mine on the floorboard. My knee rose to his face hammering him. The man stagger back like he was a drunk. My feet took off, and at the same time my right leg kicked his face sending him over the edge of the table. The table broke into two pieces. The man is knocked down but not dead.

I felt two large hands around my bicep, I use the back of my head and smashed it on his face. Oblivious two man had filled the living room, and my eyes landed on my gun beside a stool. The other man in spiky hair followed my gaze and smirked.

In no time we both sprinted towards the gun. I kicked him on the chin, as I struggle to get the gun. The man I had a fight with in the first place; he lift his feet and hits me on the face and I swear I saw stars hovering around me.

"Stop boy, no more fighting." The man said, pointing a gun at my forehead.

© sarahmbfacts