

Amongst thyself be true
During a period of the Pandemic often we found ourselves reflecting on the negative effects instead of the positive. Therefore we are focusing on the possibilities that come of nurturing positive vibes and values...

Yeah, we miss you. The times that we have been sharing as well as learning from you has been thought of daily. As we began to grow through this process we have been doing quite a lot of things to keep busy.

We began to watch our favorite movies. Mostly ghost stories. But some horror stories. Now we have reasons why we enjoy such tales. However, we have decided to keep it quiet kept. You see, we are not followers of the normal ways that are usually imposed upon us. For we are merely in tune with our universe. And trust in our mother earth. For communication is within full effect! Or however the brainiacts label it!

Anyway we have had the opportunity to become grounded before the temperatures dropped. We have done so during the cold temperatures, but not so much.

It's rewarding to be able to listen to music. Especially during this particular survival period. Discovering more about coping skills during a limited budget. Burning candles during the most important part of our self preservations and feeding the spirit in the air.

Those who are familiar with us are aware of our spiritual ghost tales. For we love her as much as she loves us. Which brings me to the point of not celebrating in the royal ways that I have been accustomed to. Yet we do moderately every once in a while.

OH how much have we learned from this. We learnt that you have been a big part of our relationship. No matter how busy we have been we have still taken time out to read your message. So here we are again. Sharing amongst our extended family (you).

Now I was watching one of the most interesting horror movies the other day with me, myself and I. And as you may know that we believe and have faith in our awareness of this awaken world. Nevertheless, as we have been watching it during the wee hours of the night. Not a creature awake or moving. Yet the creaking house and the wisdom of other things had me looking around and noticing every single shadow sound.... To thyself be true.......

Slept well with all the lights on.

Peace out peeps!
© Bazilisk49