

There is someone destined for us no matter how we avoid it. Write a story on how destiny controls people's lives.
A story of destined people ?
Destiny doesnt need to bring a selective person to be a partner ..its about bringing a group of friends or may be a person enough to be a whole comfort zone ...a mind of acceptence..a whole world for us to open up all the Ambivalent emotions ..
The reality is ...when we meet up with such a terrific situation ...(not meant of a physical tragedy)..an elatasad mind ..may be unbalanced one..the moment people think about ..Either sharing it..or self suppression..It depends on the life situations they are in .They might not be raised up enough to realize the significance of sharing .instead suppressing the emotions to themselves either joy or grieve. Thats where we really need the destiny to be atleast kind to us ..to make our mind calm enough to realize we have someone or more to share our feelings ..I know destiny isnt something we can decide on our own ..its fate..yet sometimes we want it to be like the way we decide ..right?..At the worst times we want it just to be kind toward us.
People''s lives are controlled by it.
not in a way we can predict.And so mysterious with unpredictable signs .
We are in success if we realize the moments we are going through are always destined ....

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