

Life before Love
"There is someone destined for us no matter how we avoid it."
Rani believed the same for many years till she grew up in one of the unpopular villages of Bihar, India.

She was now 22-years old and her life has turned 180-degrees when she saw that her father was sacked off the government job for a fraud case which her father was not even invovled with.

Basically, beauroucrats needed to blame someone and her father was quite naive and innocent to never point it out that he was actually not be blamed.

As the episode took turns in her life, the family income dwindled. It was tough for her father at the age of 52 to find a new job or start farming in the fields.

Rani was also the only child and they had no boy to do the deed and run the family.

In this scenario of life, Rani had no choice but to forget her dreams and aspirations. She started looking for a part-time job so she could complete her college side by side.

Then, one fine day, when savings in the house were almost over, she finally got the job at the local farmer's house as an accountant.

She spend her days there by learning something new about farming and farmer's market. She was so intelligent and quick to learn that by the end of the month, her onw boss, Vishwas Gangadhar, raised her salary from 15,000 to 20,000 per month.

The boss witnessed her hard work and saw how she could tell from the farmer's credit and financial history if they were to be given any further loan or not.

Gangadhar also commented to his fellow rich farmer's of the neighbouring villages that he has got a gem of a person in Rani but he too realized that this girl met a fair share of unlucky days in her life.

That was relatable because after working for four months with him, Rani faced a mother tragedy when her mother passed away due to unknown disease. She repented for not letting her mother diagnose her regular cough and cold with a better and more practised doctor from the town.

It took Rani and her father majorly one year to recover from the pain and grief. By this time, she had completed her graduation kn B.com from distance learning with online classes and practical experience at Gangadhar's farmer's office.

By now, she was confident that she could look for better earning jobs in the town. However, at this time, the country was in recession as the market was low and the global climate was turning the produce every year. It felt like a curse to live a life in a village But she had sheer determination to grow out of this stigma.

So she kept applying to Patna and other well-established towns, passing a long her resume and other credentials.

It felt like she was meant to be rejected one after another. Every day felt like the same nowadays.

But Rani wanted the change and she understood only she could bring about the same when everything is blocked and not letting her find a way. She was determined she will make her own way.

So she saved enough money and went to town herself. It was the first ever solo trip she committed outside the village. The entire experience was exhilarating but challenging at the same time.

Her father, Meerabai Chaubey, kept calling her after another half an hour. First it was after every 5 minutes which frustated Rani more. She wanted to be left alone for once or else she would not grow and act wiser to make her mark in the world where everyone is running and all is lost. She didn't want to be lost. Rather, her aims were now clearer with every rejection that came in her way. She kicked each let-down episode with her sheer perseverance and moved ahead like the ultimate queen, akin of her Hindu name.

It was a week she spent in Patna she got to spend. That one week changed her life drastically.

She booked herself a run-down hotel with basic amenities and safety at a cheap price in the city centre.

Then every day, she roamed around with a bunch of her resume from one office to a other.

It took her 5-6 hours on the field and another 2-3 hours online to apply for the same jobs with at least 40-50k pay in rupees per month.

Then on the last day, when she was about to run out of money and packing her stuff to head back home, she finally got the call from Sooraj Textiles.

She didn't lose hope but she didn't lie to herself either. It was a telephonic conversation and she aced it with true words -- confessed everything about her basic to advanced level of experience. She didn't even stammer once that was her mindset. Only thing that mattered to her at that moment was to complete the interview with sincerity and worry about the result later.

That evening, she cleared the interview and she was so much excited to crack it. She dialed her father's number and he didn't pick it up on right time. She felt something might be wrong and she panicked. But after an hour of trying to reach her father, he called her himself making silly excuses of being busy when she knows the reality.

After an heated argument, she finally broke the news which her father could not believe first. Later, he found himself crying and thanking to the God for his long due mercy on his knees.

Within a week, Rani shifted her father and all her necessary stuff to this new house in Patna allotted to her by the company for the time being.

And when life was sailing smoother than ever, she met her competition in her team. His name was Pankaj and he never like her attitude.

In 6 months of working at Sooraj Textiles, she had to face the heat of her extreme boss, the founder, Sooraj Dhonavali.

She was reluctant to apologize for the mistakes she didn't even commit. Pankaj always was quite dumb to blame Rani for his mistakes in front of Sooraj. Initially, Sooraj was angry at her behavior and scolded her by making her work over time.

In time, he realized that Sooraj was too wrong to form a judgement for Rani just because Pankaj was a bit serious to her.

Sooraj himself started seeing how beneficial is Rani's accounting and mathematics talent for company's actual profit and loss.

Sooraj often would subtly ask for guidance from Rani but not let the participation set a seed of ego inside her brain. But things like that didn't matter to Rani. Her focus was always on doing the right thing for herself, her growth, her father, and her life. She had certain principles and she always stood by them, despite everything and everyone whose eyes poked and itched with her success and open and unabashed opinion.

This somehow attracted Sooraj more than ever. He never met any employee or even a girl so determined in her life. He started taking Rani for a few meetings here and there. He introduced her to some of the firm's smaller clients and started shifting her role to a better position in the firm.

He was at same time very cautious about it. He didn't want to cloud his own judgement about the woman who was subtly stealing every bit of his heart every day and she did it so well that she herself wasn't aware of the same. It made Sooraj wonder about the time when he will be ready to put his heart out.

It worried him, her reply. He thought maybe she already had someone in her life and when he snooped around a bit like a teenage boy, he found that she had no one to treat well except her father.

This was the perfect chance for Sooraj to strike the hammer and the iron of their bond in shape.

But he wanted it to be genuine and not sound like he was buying her feelings with money and position.

So, he formed a game plan. But a genuine one. He started to call her out more for her opinions. He made her work late hours deliberately so he can have late night supper with her in or outside the firm with no other person to disturb or judge.

After three months, both became really good friends. They often met outside the office as well. Rani confessed that Sooraj was her only friend in so many years. She let him know openly that she never had any chance or privilege to befriend someone because her life was already in a big trouble every now and then.

Sooraj understood it all and showed Rani a new flavor and side of life when they went out for movies, popcorn, art exhibition, grocery shopping, standing too close in crowded buses and lifts, taking care of a flat tire in the rainy weather and later holding each other too close in a stranded cabin to get the warmth before they reach the next hill station to meet a very important client for the firm to expand in this particular region.

These moments changed everything Rani felt for Sooraj from the get-go.

Rani started feeling something for Sooraj but she couldn't name it. But it started with fun, humour, laughter, then it coverted into late night suppers, waiting for Sooraj to arrive first in office, watching him to her desk and the way he would treat his hair too sticky at the nape of his neck when the wind wasn't blowing too well.

Rani started noticing everything about Sooraj in the office and outside as well.

Sooraj knew that his company was changing Rani. But he was still not sure if it was right time to ask her. He had a few more things to test on his own to realize if Rani really feels something for him or not.

So, soon a rumour spread in the office that Sooraj was about to be married to someone. As this news reached Rani's ears, her face fell flat. It was worry, anger, sadness, and disappointment all together.

She asked Sooraj the same and he just took it casually about the girl he has been seeing which he's not sure about yet. He's waiting to propose the woman of his life but he still doesn't know he if she would love him till the end or not.

Such pure hearted feelings by Sooraj for a random girl disturbed Rani potentially.

Later, when she saw that her work was getting hampered and her attention was diverted, she realized she needs to have a face to face direct conversation with Sooraj. This couldn't go long she was very upset. Either Sooraj clarifies her everything or she again faces a disturbing rejection in life.

At the same time, when Sooraj felt Rani growing irritated at him every other second, he knew his trick worked. The news of his marriage disturbed the woman he loved so dearly very well.

So late one night, Sooraj called Rani and requested her to reach his house for an emergency. Sooraj sounded worried and was unable to breathe properly.

Before Rani could ask more, Sooraj ended the call. Rani kept calling his number but it was non reachable.

Within 15 minutes she got ready, and within another 30 minutes, she was standing outside Sooraj house.

Lucky enough, she had already gone to his house twice before, so the uber had his address saved.

When she entered the porch of his big two-storey house, the door was left open. There was a sweet yet different smell in the air.

But her worry didn't diminish. She wanted to see if Sooraj was doing okay and her heart prayed the same with each step she took in the dark entrance with weird smell.

And as soon as she entered the middle of the floor, calling Sooraj again and again, she hit somebody.

The lights flickered on miraculously and she saw Sooraj kneeling in front of her with a diamond cut ring and a sorry face expression.

He proposed her there and then without wasting a single second when she finally registered what kind for Sooraj played with her.

She wanted to quite upset and angry at him. But seeing how he decorated the entire living room with beautiful candles of blue and purple color, her favorite, and the scented candles, late night dinner table, soft music and light, she just couldn't stop herself from crying and committing a life long "yes" to the person who has grown on her.

That night she really believed that if someone is meant for you, they will their way to your doorsteps and you will leave the door open without knowing why or how. They wouldn't require efforts to enter in your heart. That special someone would already know how to treat you well like you are the only one for them -- now, tomorrow, for all those remaining forevers.


© Nilakshi Garg