

When we meet again
The cry was faint but I heard loud and clear it as I walked past the dark bushes. My steps faltered. It was late and I wasn’t sure if it was a smart thing to stop and inspect the source. But I did stop and saw a beautiful girl cry under the bushes when I reached near to her she lifted her face up her beautiful blue shiny eyes were wet with the tears , and she was scared. As I asked her who are you and what are you doing here, she replied with her innocent looking face I lost my way back to home. then I asked where do you live.
she said "near the forest town". I first helped her up. Then took her to forest town because I was also heading towards there to meet my uncle who was my father's friend.
once we reached there I saw some commotion in the town and heard someone saying that mr.si's daughter is missing and then I saw uncle si who just came from somewhere but looked exhausted. The girl besides me ran towards uncle si by calling him dad I was shocked that is this the same girl I use to play with and make fun of her the one and only I loved for years. She has changed and become so beautiful I'm gald that I meet her on the way back otherwise what would have happened. I'm really happy to meet you again and helped you in your worst situation.
© devil_shiva_singh