

When I was in 6th I had my group of friends. I loved my friends but there was one friend who loved being mean to people. He would call them names and not even think about their feelings. At that time we both had siblings that went to the elementary school located next to our school. Every day after school we would walk their together to pick up our siblings. One time, while we were walking, a girl in a hoodie walked up to us and asked us what our names were. I didn't answer, too scared of what my friend would say if I did. He on the other side, walked closer to her and told her to stop bothering us and that she was being annoying, he went on to tell her may horrible things. I just stood there, not saying anything as the girl ran away. On our way to the school I told my friend that what he did was mean, but then he changed the conversation and we didn't mention it on the way there. Weeks after that, I would see the girl sitting in the lunch table next to ours with a group of friends and I would feel happy for her, my friend, would just make fun of her. Ever since then I would get mad at myself for what I didn't do to stop my friend or planning my apology speech, which I will always be too afraid to tell her because I'm too much of a coward. No amount of what ifs will change what happened, but I do wish that girl the best ans I do wish for my friend to change, but I also hope I change, cause I'm the one who could've stopped all of this from happening, but was too scared to do so in the first place.
© Azul Morales